UWW GENED 140 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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GENED 140 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Chapters 1 2 Chapter 1 Globalization The borderlessness or at least more porous of the worlds boarders Moblility of people goods ideas and diseases Examples Economic GM general motors global motors Apple corporation Political North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA the EU and the UN Cultural Immigration rising levels of multiculturalism nearly everywhere Time space compression increasing interconnectedness of places Technological advances shrink distance like email skype planes and trains Localization Opposite of globalization Focuses on bringing back the power to the locality preserving the local culture traditions and economy Examples Economic Micro brews spotted cow and shopping at farmers markets Political Nunavut Canada Scottish Parliament and the devolution of Yugoslavia Cultural Anti McDonalds protests in France Debate in Germany over the use of the words email download and webpage Map Scale Large scale smaller geographic location Small scale larger geographic location Fractional scale 1 1 000 000 Formal vs Functional region Formal region based on internal homogeneity with regard to same variable Like the soda belt of Eastern Wisconsin and the corn belt Functional Region based on connections often economic and webs of dependency Like airline route maps hub and spoke Chicago and its hinterland and the commuter shed of this course Site Describes a site and the internal characteristics of a place Absolute location Example Uw Whitewater is characterized by rolling topography parries and forests Situation Where Characteristics external to a place Relative location Example Uw Whitewater is located 10 miles south of downtown Fort Atkinson Chapter 2 The Big Three population clusters 1 East Asia 1 5 billion Eastern of China Japan Korea 2 South Asia 1 4 billion India Pakistan Bangladesh 3 Europe 500 million What do they have in common They are all near the ocean are mid latitude location agriculture Eurasia Crude population density total population divided by the land area Nutritional Density total population divided by amount of land under cultivation Crude birth rate CBR births per 1000 people per year High 40 Moderate 20 Low below 20 as HDI goes up CBR goes down Crude death rate CDR deaths per 1000 people per year High 20 Moderate below 19 Low below 20 as HDI does up CDR goes down Rate of natural increase CBR CDR divided by 10 to get the percent Does not include immigration HDI goes up RNI goes down Total fertility rate expected number of children per household per 1 woman Need a 2 1 replacement rate to maintain population Life expectancy at birth as HDI goes up life expectancy goes down Demographic transition 1 2 3 4 RNI is low because CBR and CDR are similar and the population is stable RNI is high population explosion RNI is high population diverge RNI is high population converge Population pyramids Triangular bottom heavy high birth rate median age 18 Global South Rectangular low birth rate median age 40 equal distribution of age groups Global North Triangular top heavy median age 50 theoretical stage 5 Dependency Ratio Age Classification 0 14 dependent 15 64 independent productive 65 Ratio D P dependent

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