ARTHIST 101 1st Edition Lecture 2 Paleolithic era Spotted horse and negative hand imprints paint on limestone pech merle caves France 1510 000 BC Not living spots but stopping spots Bold outline in profile view define the height of the animal Dot patterns ritual agents of control Naked hand imprints Spittle technique Signature control dominance Head on right horse is trying to control uncontrollable Feline headed human mammoth ivory hohlenstein Stadel Germany 30 28 000 BC sculptural Passed hand to hand and worn down used for celebration Ivory is strong and difficult to carve Greater importance Fusion between human and animal form hybrids of ideas of these figures Egypt s Sphinx Proportioned head and subtle ears hunting power Venus of Willendorf Limestone Austria 22 21 000 BC Small object fitting in the palm passed hand to hand Ritual function but difficult context Form was suggested by the rock itself Water erosion in the naval Worn into stone glossy ornamental These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Rich eating and enlarged breasts Pubic triangle Fertility controlling uncontrollable nursing and giving birth role of women Reproduction and furthering tribes Feminist and prominence shown Bison with Turned head Reindeer Horn Spear thrower Fragment La Madeleine France 12 000 BC Spear thrower at the bison displays purpose Procured while being hunted 3 dimensional with 1 horn being shown in relief Descriptive view but slight composite 1 horn etched in Licking the wound to show where the hunter wants to hit the animal Direct purpose Profile view of the eye Horns in composite view to show depth
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