UW-Milwaukee ARTHIST 101 - Ancitent Near East/Egypt Era

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ARTHIST 101 1st Edition Lecture 6 Lamassu from the Citadel of Sargon II Limestone Dur Sharrukin Iraq c 720 705 BC Around 14 feet Preparing you for entrance into the royal quarter Looking at the fusion of a human face and divined crown genii Shown with plated beards crown with 2 pairs of horns come from the gods Public imagery and sculpture Divine messengers protecting of the king Duality of political message intimidation of those who avoid king Amplify direct size to show power and intimidation Side view figure is in dynamic action striding leg behind trick of the eye 5 th leg divine life through their form naturalism intensive muscular structure Ashurnasirpal II Killing Lions Gypsum relief from Northwest Palace of Ashurnasirpal II KalhuIraq c 875 860 BC Constantly reminded of the king Place of recreation and the like Elaborate plants and exotic animals in a garden lions and tigers King would go through garden and hunt animals Dominant application of his power idea was to show authority and ferocity Chariot and soldiers in the back protecting king Complete setup Horses vertically stacked King s amplified chest and plated beard bow and arrow shot at Strong ferocious lion Amplifying nobility Revealing power and conceit Very controlled environment Symbol of his authority and raw power Profile view bow and arrow blocks off face These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Looking at the image in composite view to see precision Ishtar Gate Glazed brick Babylon Iraq c 575 BC Walls stacked up to 60 feet Amplify a focus such as Hammurabi did Built an incredibly elaborate city First major passage way into the city Blue glazed tiles a gate of divine power royalty Intensive fortification and defense Vertically stacked animals detective figures that represent the king Lion chief symbol power authority strength ferocity pride intimidation striding to amplify life Intricate sculpting Horse naturalism Striding forward to show the king s power Dragon hybridized animal on all accounts Tail becomes its own serpent Lion paws in front and eagle claws in back Authority presented Babylon faint hanging gardens Head of a Sasanian King Shapur II Silver with Mercury Gilding c 350 AD Persians are a long lived culture Same military power as others Persians looking to expand power unless they have a populist King was seen as a living god Demanded fealty to the king Limited rebellion against Persian ruler ship Pear shaped crown pure silver Sarcenians divined gods Rapousse sculpting from behind rather than in front Very soft metals used to stylize Represented divinity Triumph of Shapur I over Valerian Rock cut Relief Bishapur Iran c 260 AD Time of the soldier emperors Incredible instability in Rome Legions are decimated Valerian is the only roman emperor to be taken hostage He was stripped naked and used as a foot stool Naturalistic Scale of hierarchy Intense musculature Much bigger than the horse to show power Persian victory over the dominant military of the west Physical strength Ancient Egypt Developed along the Nile river system Trade and commerce among these regions Focused nearly everything on society is attaining life in the after life Dual symbolism every object is important and has a dual function behind it Guiding you into the afterlife How does it represent afterlife function Kings are pharaohs Egyptian world was largely seen as a cult society Complete undecipherable from other communities Tombs are palaces Champollion found the Rosetta stone Geography of the Nile runs south to North which is important North LOWER Egypt South UPPER Egypt When the Nile overflows it produces rich soil Amunre was the chief of all others Every day he rises to new life to the sun and dies at night to the sunset Facing the tales of the underworld at night Eastern side of the Nile living Western side of the Nile death Cities of the dead Valley of the kings on the western side cities of the dead dominant ideas Life vs Death Papyrus Lower Egypt paper boats representation of lower Lotus Upper Egypt representation of upper When the two are intertwined they are a focus on the united kingdom of Egypt

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