UIUC MCB 252 - mcb 252

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MCB 252 Cells Tissues and Development MCB 252 Spring 2015 MCB 252 Topic 1 Course Introduction MCB 252 Spring 2015 MCB 252 Cell Biology Prof David Rivier Office hours Mondays 2 00 2 50 MCB Learning Center 101 Burrill Hall email rivier illinois edu be sure to put MCB252 as the subject I prefer contact in person MCB 252 Cell Biology Course Coordinator Elizabeth Good blinstru life illinois edu LON CAPA Alejandra Stenger astenger illinois edu Course Web Site http www life illinois edu mcb 252 Net ID and Active Directory Login Safety in MCB 252 Safety in the Classroom Note Emergency Exits in Lincoln Hall Theater Walk through Lincoln Hall to learn layout of building Sign up for Emergency text messages emergency illinois edu In severe weather go to lower level away from windows If there is a security threat RUN get out HIDE find a safe place to stay inside or FIGHT with anything available to increase our odds for survival The Companion Book to MCB252 is Info on the Text Book Pearson vs Freeman Text Books Access Codes are for the e book Homework in LON CAPA Some figures come from Alberts et al 5th edition Alberts et al 6th edition MCB 252 Cell Biology Advice 1 Do reading before and after lecture 2 Keep up with material 3 Learn something from this experience Life is more than grades 4 Learning is more than cramming Understanding Memorizing MCB 252 Cell Biology Lecture Recordings You are welcome to make your own audio recordings I will post audio recordings in LON CAPA these recordings may fail on occasion so depend on them at your own risk Video recordings made by students are PROHIBITED Students are not allowed to video the MCB 252 lectures We are experimenting with making video recordings of the lectures that will be password protected I ll let you know if these will be available MCB 252 Cell Biology What s important and how I make up exams Copies of Exam 1 3 from last semester posted on our web site I did not make up these exams Copies of exam 4 will not be posted exam 4 is closed per MCB policy MCB 252 Cell Biology MCB 252 in Summer Session 2015 Developing an Online Version of MCB 252 Suggestions and comments about what you like and don t like in online classes are welcome Points Exams 700 points After Lecture Questions 140 points Discussion Problem Sets60 points Weekly Homework 100 points Office Hours Anyone can go to ANY Office Hour Monday 2 3 Monday 4 5 Wednesday 9 11 Thursday 11 1 Friday 11 12 Friday 4 5 Discussion Sections Discussions meet starting today Reading for Topic 1 Lodish pp 977 979 Intro to Chapter 21 Figures 1 1 and 1 13 Syllabus and Readings Readings for Each Topic are in the Lecture Notes for that Topic OK here we go What do these people have in common Steve Elledge Susan Lindquist Elaine Fuchs Doug Melton Mark Krasnow Jim Spudich Edwin Krebs Jamie Thomson What is Science Three Levels of Science 1 What we know memorizing facts Classes an information dump 2 How we know what we know 3 Asking new questions seeking answers making new hypotheses and testing them MCB 252 Course philosophy and approach Structure of the Course Introduction to the Subjects Molecular Techniques and Technology MCB 252 Topic Overview and Organization Part 1 Regulation of Gene Expression Cell Signaling Nuclear Cytoplasmic Transport Chromosome Organization RNA Processing and Regulation Translational Control Part2 Cytoskeleton Cell Motility Cell Adhesion Cell Cycle Regulation Cancer Fonts on slides Calibri Cambria Gene Expression v Transcription Concept Every step in a biological process is a potential site of regulation Organs and Tissues Approximately 210 cell types in humans Approximately 100 trillion cells in an adult 1014 cells Bissell 2003 Each cell type has it s own pattern of gene expression Cells within a tissue Alberts 23 1 Cells in a SOCIAL CONTEXT Tissue Homeostasis Alberts 23 7 Stem Cells Alberts 23 5 Cells typically undergo several steps leading to terminal differentiation Another Example of a Stem Cell These are Examples of Adult Stem Cells Embryonic Stem Cells are Pluripotent They can Give Rise to All Cell Types Adult Stem Cells are Not Pluripotent They are Multipotent They Give Rise Only to a Specific Subset of Differentiated Cells Adult vs Embryonic Stem Cells Cells within a tissue Alberts 23 1 Alberts 23 7 Cells in a SOCIAL CONTEXT CELLS TALK TO EACH OTHER Signaling Pathways Alberts 15 1 Alberts 15 3 Signaling molecules ligands can be proteins peptides amino acids nucleotides steroids fatty acid derivatives and even gases NO They are released by other cells by exocytosis diffusion or are presented in their cell membrane Signaling Pathways Series of Switches Alberts 15 1 There are many ways to turn proteins on and off One pathway can elicit a variety of responses Types of Signals Contact dependent signaling One Signal Can Affect Different Cells Differently Different Receptors and Different Responses Signal Transduction Pathways Often Described by the Type of Receptor Receptors Nuclear Receptors Hormone Receptors Cell Surface Receptors 1 Ion channel 2 G protein coupled 3 Enzyme coupled Ion Channel Coupled Receptor Alberts 15 16a Four Global Responses to Signals Growth Factors Mitogens Cytokines Alberts 15 8 Cells signal each other Cells in a social context Most signaling is from cells to each other Apoptosis During Development Apoptosis can occur In response to signaling in normal development In response to cellular damage Overview of Birth Lineage and Death of Cells Gene Duplication and Divergence is a Major Force in Evolution and is Responsible for the Generation of Gene and Protein Families Hemoglobin and subunits are related Alberts 4 86 Gene Families Formed by Duplication and Divergence Alberts 4 87 Many Related Steroid Hormones Alberts 15 13 Steroid Hormone Receptor Family Alberts 15 14b Family members similar structure function regulation Steroid Hormone Receptor Family Alberts 15 14c Family members similar structure function regulation Big Picture Ideas It is difficult rare to invent a novel protein gene It is easy much more common to modify a protein gene that has already been invented Modification occurs by gene duplication and divergence Gene duplication events are accidents Virtually all the genes and proteins we will talk about are members of families Family members are often regulated in similar ways therefore learning the details of how one family member functions typically provides insight into other members Organisms Arrange in Trees Based on Evolutionary

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UIUC MCB 252 - mcb 252

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