UIUC CEE 330 - CEE lecture 2.5

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Environmental Measurements CEE 330 2 1 2 4 Textbook I am familiar with A Calculating chemical concentrations and converting chemical concentration to parts per million ppm or parts per billion ppb basis B Calculating chemical concentration in unit of partial pressure C Using the ideal gas law to calculate gas concentration D All of the above E None of the above 2 1 1 micro gram g is equal to A B C D E 10 12 g 10 9 g 10 6 g 10 3 g None of the above 3 Select the correct statement A Parts per million by mass ppm is defined as the number of units of mass of chemical per million units of total mass B 1 ppm of chemical i means 1 g of i in 106 g total C 1 ppb of chemical i means 1 g of i in 106 g total D A and B E B and C 4 2 Conversion mi 106 ppm mtotal mi 109 ppb mtotal 5 Concentration in Soil If a 100 g sample of soil contains 10 5 g of toxaphene what are the toxaphene soil concentrations reported in units of ppb A B C D E 1ppb 10 ppb 100 ppb 1000 ppb None of the above 6 3 7 Global nitrogen pollution 8 4 Concentration in water A water sample contains 10 mg NO3 L What is the concentration in ppm A B C D E 1 ppm 10 ppm 100 ppm 1000 ppm None of the above 9 10 5 Concentration in water A water sample contains 10 mg NO3 L What is the concentration in moles L MW NO3 62 g mole A B C D E 1 6 10 1 moles L 1 6 10 2 moles L 1 6 10 3 moles L 1 6 10 4 moles L None of the above 11 12 6 Concentration in water A water sample contains 10 mg NO3 L What is the concentration in mg NO3 as N L MW NO3 62 g moles and MW of N 14 g mole A B C D E 1 6 10 1 moles L 1 6 10 2 moles L 1 6 10 3 moles L 1 6 10 4 moles L None of the above 13 14 7 CO2 280 ppmv before industrial revolution CH4 0 79 ppmv natural level 15 Concentration in Air can be expressed as Partial pressure atm ppmv and ppbv Mass per volume g L or mole L 16 8 Concentration in Air 17 Example Convert 260 g m3 SO2 at 28 C and 1 atm to ppmv and ppbv 18 9 Example Convert 260 g m3 SO2 at 28 C and 1 atm to ppmv and ppbv 19 The concentration of gas phase PCB in the air above Lake Superior was measured to be 450 pg m3 What is the partial pressure in atm of PCBs Assume that temperature is 0 C the atmosphere pressure is 1 atm and the average MW of PCB is 325 Also assume that 1 mole of air at 0 C and 1 atm occupies 22 4 L 20 10 Steps for solving What relates concentration to pressure 21 22 11 Concentration in air The concentration of ozone O3 in Beijing on a summer day T 30 C P 1 atm is 125 ppbv What is the O3 concentration in units of g m3 MW of O3 48g mole 23 24 12 Global Warming and Global warming potential GWP Is a mutiplier used to compare the emission of different greenhouse gases to a common constituent i e CO2 Is determined over a set time period typically 100 years over which the radiative forcing of the specific gas would result Allows the policy makers to compare emissions and reductions of specific gases 25 26 13 27 miles driven to Chicago 136 MPG 2010 Honda accord 2010 Hummer H3 4WD 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid FWD 2000 Hyundai Sonata 31 18 36 27 gallon of gasoline 4 39 7 56 3 78 5 04 CO2 equivalent metric ton of CO2 0 04 0 07 0 03 0 04 Fuel Economy Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator 28 14 Trading Carbon 29 Alternative Energy Cow Power 30 15 As an engineer what would you suggest law makers to do to encourage farmers to produce energy from manure 31 The US greenhouse gas emissions reported in 2004 were 5 988 teragrams Tg CO2e of carbon dioxide CO2 556 7 Tg CO2e of methane CH4 and 386 7 Tg CO2e of N2O How many gigagrams Gg of CH4 and N2O were emitted in 2004 1000Gg 1Tg GWP of CH4 25 of N2O 298 32 16 33 Homework 1 Group Leader Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5 34 17

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UIUC CEE 330 - CEE lecture 2.5

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