CEE 330 Environmental Engineering Professor Helen Nguyen What are the most important environmental problems Environmental Risk and Loss of Disability Free Day Collecting water in Kathmandu Nepal Collecting Water in Uganda Dec 2014 Country Vaccine Effectiveness Per capita GDP Rotavirus Vaccine Clinical Trials North America and Europe 95 47 084 Latin America and Finland 85 36 667 South Africa 82 10 492 Vietnam 64 3 130 Kenya 64 1 621 Ghana 56 1 629 Malawi 50 876 Bangladesh 43 1 486 Mali 18 1 057 Does water supply in the state of IL face any of the following threats Does water supply in the state of IL face any of the following threats A agricultural run offs e g nitrates phosphates pesticides herbicides B leaching of radioactive materials and heavy metal C depletion and contamination of aquifers D Increased demand and contamination by energy production E All of the above Annual Energy Consumption per Capita in North America and the Rest of the World Sustainable Engineering Design of human and industrial system to ensure that humankind s use of natural resource and cycles do not lead to diminish quality of life due either to losses in future economic opportunities or to adverse impacts on social conditions human health and the environment Mihelcic et al 2003 Sustainable Revolution Industrial Revolution http www sonic net lilith EnviraFuels biokids bk energy html Sustainable Revolution http www cmu edu homepage environment 2008 summer melanie vrabel shtml Industrial Revolution Sustainable Revolution Industrial Revolution http www guardian co uk environment 2009 oct 05 climate change kyoto http www hybridmile com category infrastructure page 2 Sustainable Revolution Rain Garden http www urbanwaterquality org RainGardens rgindex1 htm Industrial Revolution concrete hydraulic channel for storm water http www cityofhawthorne com depts publicworks engineering resource conservation stormwater default asp Sustainable Revolution http continuingeducation construction com article print php L 5 C 218 Industrial Revolution http www cabq gov albuquerquegreen images urban heat island jpg image view fullscreen What grade do you want for this course A B C D Definitely A I am fine with B C is OK This is bad Grade cutoff A 95 100 A 90 95 B 85 90 B 80 85 B 75 80 C 70 75 C 60 70 D 50 60 F 50 Two out of four exams third exam is mandatory Team homework 7 HW 70 Iclicker Quizzes 1 lowest will be dropped Contaminant of the week oral presentation or Class project 10 10 10 Compass Team work You should work with your team The assignment is posted on Compass Peer evaluation will be collected by on line survey Your grade may be adjusted if your teammates evaluate you poorly An example of peer evaluation is posted on Compass Homework There are 7 HWs One team turns in 1 HW at the beginning of the class Each homework assignment should include a cover page that has the names of all group members clearly typed or printed and the signatures of each member of the group indicating that they accept this as the final product of the group members Staple the pages and number the pages consecutively see syllabus HW solution will be posted on Compass Contaminant of the week group 1 12 You will surf the web and summarize the information Video clips are encouraged Your brief summary along with the website locations should be posted on compass assignment 24 hr before the oral presentation is made 10 min presentation see syllabus You should include a short pop quiz with multiple choice question for the whole class at the end of your presentation The whole class will use the IClicker to answer the questions Presentation Grade A B C D E CLASS PROJECT CLIMATE CHANGE GLOBAL EFFECTS AND MITIGATION OPPORTUNITIES group 13 24 Each group is assigned one topic see syllabus All groups must include a well written summary of the selected topic The summary must go beyond the IPCC synthesis report and must be written with your own words Upon critical analysis of the information provided in your sources what conclusions opinions and or recommendations can you develop as a group 15 min presentation You should include 2 popquizzes for the class If you have a question Check the syllabus first Prelecture slides You need to print out and bring the prelecture slides to the lecture Team Awards For the best presentation your team will be evaluated by the whole class Best in class exercise for team with the most accurate and fasted answers please don t cheat Highest average exam score for 3 exams Best improvement from exam 1 to exam 3 50 gift card for each award You will vote for the store Group Leaders Federal disaster declared in W Va where chemical spill caused water emergency Mayor of Charleston W Va says water emergency is devastating his community Green Building Depleting Water
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