GEOG 110 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 2 9 Lecture 2 January 28 Introduction to what is Geography Studies human activity the natural environment and the relationship between the two Understanding the interconnections of geography to all aspects of life is KEY to solving problems o Connections between Religion economies history politics Themes o Systematic relations o Global interdependence o Ongoing change Big Points of Chapter 1 Globalization versus Regionalization o Regionalization is unique because there are winners and losers in regions How this affects global issues such as ISIS North Korea Nigeria Cuba OPEC etc We use geography to understand the struggle between o Power territory and resources among people governments and countries You need to understand another county culture nation etc before responding to their needs or your own use the 5 themes of geography lecture 3 section o Listened to Undercover Economist cheaper than flowers Take advantage for yourself vs the message your actions are sending out o Uses economic theory but societies still have to consider their actions in the long term Is having peace in the long term success in the present Cut throat vs interdependency o Ties into idea of winners vs losers Global north has better opportunities than global south Men have greater opportunities than women Economic terrorism taking advantage of the losers for oneself through aggression Bombing a culture into submission vs winning their hearts and minds o Conquering is very different from ruling o Forced submission does not work i e Jews vs Palestinians in Gaza o Violence will be meet rebellion and violence Either join them or I ll do what I want are two ways people respond to conquerors o Can t just have a strong army need to have a strong bureaucratic experts playing just as strong of a role True leaders take care of the people who need their help not take advantage of them o A balance is needed in order for progress and success profitability humanity This is the KEY to success o Can be either a left sided or right sided opinion depends on political views Liberal it s neither sided Conservative idea of positive sum gain don t let people take advantage of the system Can lead to blame and hatred outweighing the truth of an issue AWARENESS IS KEY Lecture 3 January 30 Tools of Analysis Five Themes of Geography o Location Absolute location coordinates i e 37N 86W Relative location city state o Human and place characteristics Every place is physically or culturally unique Provide keys to identifying and interpreting relationships between people and their environment o Movement Focuses on spatial interaction i e highways style ideas economics o Region Is an area that displays unity in terms of selected criteria i e Eastern KY coalfields Lecture 4 February 2 Globalization and Development Development o Need to build from below to allow people to stabilize themselves give the losers education opportunities etc to improve their lives o Deals with globalization There is Global economic integration cultures are being introduced to each other Global homogenization cultures are disappearing because the world is becoming fully connected and the more powerful are taking control Rich has more control Global North South has less control Global south i e Walmart Sinopec group China National Petroleum top 10 businesses in America in 2014 Global integration and homogenization Lecture 5 February 4 Globalization and Development cont Ebony and Ivory radio segment o Displays how banning items i e ivory increases the demand and inhumanity of getting the product Governments are slowing learning that regulations have a more successful outcome o Also shows the disconnect between Global north and south Haves vs have nots It s just business not personal Once people are aware of a situation they have to realize heal and move on o Guilty or not AWENESS is KEY o Lesson Don t let others mislead your decision Understanding the interconnectedness of the world is key o Have to pay attention to what s going on to keep power o As world globalizes isolation is harder to maintain Immigrants are needed People willing to work hard and add to the economy and bring new ideas to regions Obstacles of development o In underprivileged areas less advantaged countries exhibit Political instability Corrupt leadership Misdirected priorities Misused aid and traditionalism Key Terms Geography The study of global interconnections involving everything from how people earn a living to how they interact with the environment Regions Large areas of the world that share similar culture environmental economic or political characteristics Systems a set of elements linked together so that changes in one element often result in changes in another Globalization the increasing interconnectedness of different parts of the world through common processes of economics environmental political and cultural change Regionalization the process through which distinctive areas come into being Physical geography the branch of geography dealing with climate weather patterns landforms soil formation and plant and animal ecology Human geography the branch of geography that deals with the spatial organization of human activity and with people s relationships with their environments Emerging region an area where loosely connected locations are developing shared characteristics that differentiate them from other regions past and present Weather the current state of temperature and precipitation Climate the typical conditions of the weather expected at a place over a long term average Climate system all the interactions of air water and the sun s energy circulating the globe Anthropocene the human era Atmospheric circulation the global movement of air that transports heat and moisture and explains the climate of different regions Intertropical convergence zone the region where air flows together and rises vertically as a result of intense solar heating at the equator Orographic precipitation rain or snow that falls when moisture laden air which has blown over warm oceans encounters a landmass coastal mountains results in the formation of a dry rain shadow region on the inland or lee side of the mountains where sinking air that has lost its moisture becomes even drier Global warming an increase in world temperatures and a change in climate associated with increasing levels of carbon dioxide Greenhouse gases results from human activities such as
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