UA CHEM 101B - Organic Chemistry and Functional Groups
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Chem 101B 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Syllabus and Class Information Outline of Current Lecture I Organic Chemistry A Definition B Elements II Organic Molecules A Properties B Polar Bonds C Multiple Bonds D Fatty Acids III Functional Groups IV Line Structures Current Lecture I Organic Chemistry A The study of carbon compounds B Many organic compounds also contain Oxygen Nitrogen and some Halogens II Organic Molecules A Properties 1 Organic compounds are insoluble in water unless they are small compounds or if the large molecule has a polar group attached 2 Elements C and H sometimes O S N P or F Br I Cl 3 Mostly covalent bonds 4 Mostly non polar bonds C C C H 5 Typically low melting boiling point 6 High flammability B Polar Covalent Bond when carbon bonds to a more electronegative element C Organic molecules can have multiple bonds when a carbon atom shares two or three bonds with a neighboring atom D Fatty Acids 1 Fatty acid a mostly nonpolar molecule with a polar end 2 Can hydrogen bond 3 Saturated no double bonds 4 Unsaturated has at least one double bond in the carbon chain a Cis adjacent to b Trans across diagonal from These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV Functional Groups a group of atoms within a larger molecule that has a specific structure and chemical behavior A Functional groups tell about a molecule s chemistry B Also referred to as substituents C Carbonyl group O C D Alkanes contains only C H C C bonds E Alkenes contains C C F Alkynes triple bonds between adjacent carbon atoms G Aromatic contains a conjugate ring H Alcohol contains an O H group I Ether C O C J Thiol C SH K Aldehyde OH C H notice the carbonyl group L Ketone carbonyl group attached to two other Carbon atoms C C O C M Carboxylic Acid a carbonyl group bonded to a hydroxyl group C O O H 1 Carboxyl group O C O N Ester a carboxyl group in between two carbon atoms C O C O C O Amine C N P Amide C C O N Q It is recommended you look up pictures for these functional groups to get a better idea of what they look like Flashcards will help too Review Line Structures from Chem 101A

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UA CHEM 101B - Organic Chemistry and Functional Groups

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