UA CHEM 101B - Course Information
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CHEM 101B 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I Teacher and Course Information II Course Materials III Evaluation IV Extra Current Lecture I II III Teach and Course Information A Course Description This course deals with problems of interest to many health majors and requires a prerequisite of Chemistry 101A in order to apply this knowledge to the organic and biochemical principles Chemistry 101B deals with B Syllabus can be found on D2L must read it C Keys to Success 1 Spend at least 6 hours a week on studying homework outside of chemistry class 2 Do the reading before class 3 Do practice problems 4 Work in groups 5 Study regularly 6 Go to discussion and office hours Course Materials A Syllabus B Class Lecture PowerPoints C Study Material D Study Guides Answer Keys E Book Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry F Sapling Account for online homework 30 fee register through D2L G Scientific calculator not a graphing calculator Evaluation A Total points 575 points 1 3 Midterm exams 300 points These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute IV 2 Final Exam 150 points 3 Sapling Homework 75 points 4 Class Participation 50 points B Mid Term Exams 1 There will be four exams given but only three graded 2 There are no makeup exams C Participation 1 In class activities 2 Printed activities from lecture notes 3 Discussion participation 4 In class quizzes D Grading A 90 100 B 80 89 C 70 79 D 60 69 E below 60 Extra A For extra help 1 Chem 101B tutor room is in Chemistry 250 a Schedule is posted outside of Koffler 201 2 Supplemental Instructors and Preceptors a Office hours are posted on D2L B Before the next class 1 Do the reading 2 Sapling Homework

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UA CHEM 101B - Course Information

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