MSU ZOL 341 - Pedigrees
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ZOL 341 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Dihybrid crosses II Probability theory III Probability rules Outline of Current Lecture II Autosomal recessive III Autosomal dominant IV Segregation V X linked inheritance VI X linked recessive VII X linked dominant VIII Y linked Current Lecture autosomal recessive individuals who have the disease are often born to parents who do not if only one parent has the disorder the risk that a child will have it depends on the genotype of the other parent if both parents have the disorder all children will have it the sex ratio of affected offspring is expected to be equal the disease is not usually seen in each generation but if an affected child is produced by unaffected parents the risk to subsequent children is autosomal dominant each individual who has the disease has at least one affected parent males and females are affected in equal numbers either sex can transmit the disease allele These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute in crosses where one parent is affected and the other is not approximately half the offspring express the disease two unaffected parents will not have any children with the disease two affected parents may produce unaffected children segregation sister chromatids segregate during anaphase of both mitosis and meiosis II when cohesion proteins are degraded x linked inheritance traits carried on the x chromosome females XX males XY hemizygous for X linked traits carrier a heterozygote for a recessive allele x linked recessive more common in males than females tends to skip generations if mom has it all sons should have it no male to male only transmission x linked dominant both males and females affected does not skip generations all daughters of affected males are affected sons can only have trait if their mom does y linked male to male only transmission

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MSU ZOL 341 - Pedigrees

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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