MANA 3320 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I 6 Steps Areas in Strategic Planning a Step 5 Strategy Implementation b Step 6 Evaluation and Assessment II 7 Major Laws and 1 Group Affecting Equal Employment Opportunity Outline of Current Lecture I 7 Major Laws and 1 Group Affecting Equal Employment Opportunity Continued II Film on American Disabilities Act Current Lecture 7 Major Laws and One Group affecting Equal Employment Opportunity Continued o 3 One group has 4 amendments to Title VII o 4 Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Overturned the decision made earlier that she was too late to sue the company after 20 years Every paycheck issued by a company in violation of the equal pay act can be sued upon 4 Age Discrimination Act Only applies to people 40 and over o 5 Pregnancy Discrimination Act o 6 Vocational rehabilitation act o o Defined disability as the 5th protected class American Disabilities Act 7 USEARR Act Protects military for short term assignments like the national guard Allowed to hired back at the same job level at the same pay level 8 Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Bars companies from collecting genetic information and using it for human resource management Any genetic info must be kept separate and confidential Film on American disabilities act o 70 unemployment of people with disabilities o Myths of hiring people with disabilities Absentee problems More prone to accidents Attendance problems Accommodations are expensive
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