ECU THEA 1000 - Theatre Study Guide

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Theatre Study Guide The term Theatre has several meanings what are they The building that houses theatrical activities Physical space An Art Form A discipline What are the three categories of art Literary Visual Performing 6 elements of theatre Audience Performers Text or script Director Theatre spaces Design elements The Choragus is the man who pays for the theatrical event for the A B C D Greeks Romans Spanish Italian A Greeks Traits of a theatre event are Live Immediate Unique The play Antigone was written by who Sophocles Seven types of dramatic characters Extraordinary Allegorical Stock Characters Characters with a dominant trait Minor Narrator or Chorus Nonhuman Two Basic Structures Know the difference Climactic Plot o Plot begins late in the story o Covers short period of time o Few solid extended scenes o Restricted location o Characters limited o Plot is linear o Action has cause and effect chain Episodic Plot o Plot begins early in the story o Covers long period of time o Has short fragmented scenes o Many locations o Many characters o Several threads of actions o Scenes are Juxtaposed to one another Who was Thespis First actor by stepping out of the chorus line Tragedies are classified as Process of imitating an action Serious implications Complete Possess magnitude Through sensuous language Enacted by persons not through narration Catharsis comes about through pity Amphitheatres can hold how many people 15 000 17 000 Popular Entertainment in Rome includes Chariot Racing Equestrian performances wrestling prize fighting and what Gladiatorial combats The performer must train their and their Body and Voice Commedia dell arte is a form of Improvisational theatre What does Lazzi mean A Comic Bit What does Verisimilitude mean True to life Unities of a play Time Place and Action Time 24 hours one day Place One location Action Encompasses time and place The Spanish were isolationist during the Spanish Golden Age

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ECU THEA 1000 - Theatre Study Guide

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