UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Public Power and Private Relationships (The Three Orders)

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HIST 107 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I The Abbasid Caliphate II Byzantium III Carolingians IV European Kingdoms a England b Germany Outline of Current Lecture I Localism a Private relationships b Hugh and Count William II Those who Fight III Those who Work IV Those who Pray Current Lecture Public Power and Private Relationships The Three Orders What do things look like in the post Carolingian Empire in the 10th and 11th centuries These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Primary Source Reading the Middle Ages 4 4 Agreements between Count William of the Aquitanians and Hugh IV of Lusignan Basic Concept Count William continuously promises Hugh property etc and keeps breaking his word o Keep in mind the entire record was written on Hugh s behalf o What does this document tell us about the world at this time Comments on the relationships between lords and vassals There are various forms of additional relationships including those among agricultural workers church figures etc Medieval society was hierarchical and non egalitarian and inequality was the basis of the political social structure Three basic types of individuals those who fight those who pray and those who work o However it was much more complex Those who fight brutal individuals lived in castles were capable to afford weapons shared a common bond of honor Think about Hugh many people often became Vassals voluntarily and was almost always tied to military service 1020 Fulbert of Chartres Letter to William V of Aquitaine lays out this ideal relationship a vassal should be completely obedient and faithful to the lord and the lord should treat the vassal with honor The relationship between William and Hugh does not live up to this expectation showing that there was a messy reality within the basic structure of this feudal system order through obligation Why are these private relationships so important There is no strong royal power the king is a distant weak figure and there is no standing army the local societies are completely reliant on these private relationships Castles key centers for local authority commonly caused violence Emergence of primogeniture the concept of land and possessions being left to the eldest child heir son Those who Work individuals who work in the fields and produce goods Dependent on land and lords owe the lord fees and service Peasants Document Anselm of Laon early 1100s discusses the importance of servitude makes it seem as though peasants were expected to be satisfied with their position o There was social mobility but it was very limited The Book of Serfs of Marmoutier recorded instances when individuals voluntarily committed themselves to serfdom o Why would someone do that It is still a reciprocal relationship the serfs are getting a form protection Those who Pray churches monasteries clergy o Image Saint Faith Conques c 950 4th century Martyr whose remains were kept by monks in the monastery o The clergy were very involved in the society and these relationships o Bishops Abbotts etc are part of the elite along with those who fight o Monks held a religious power through relationships with saints received property from donations from elite individuals in exchange for prayer Property went back and forth between the monasteries and the families another form of relationship Monks also distributed charity to the poor redistribution of wealth which tied in the lower class those who work to these relationships Lords had relationships with the monasteries which also gave them a connection to monk records of family and property history etc o While there was a cooperative relationship between those who fight and those who pray there was also violence and discord Saint Faith was regarded for miracle stories that helped to reverse the negative impacts of this violence

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Public Power and Private Relationships (The Three Orders)

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