HLED 130 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Chapters 5 8 Professor Sterling stresses covering the power points on her exams Make sure to review the power points your notes any lectures that you missed just email me and almost all of chapters 5 8 Also there are flashcards online Chapter 5 Development of Social Perspectives on gender How does gender develop I II III IV V VI Read chapter 5 entirely Know how gender develops read 96 109 a Genetically b Identity c Roles Review these figures from the book 5 4 5 6 5 9 Know all terms in the chapter use flashcards and be able to apply it practically Study figure 5 2 will be on test Power points a Gender in our culture i As a child how are girls treated ii How are boys treated differently iii Sex Objects vs Success Objects iv Metro Sexual vs Retro Sexual v How does gender affect people in the workplace b How many sexes are there i U S western culture views ii Other cultures such as middle east iii What is the third sex iv What are the 4 biological levels v What sex is XX vi What sex is XY vii When do hormones begin to produce viii When does brain sex develop ix What is gender identity x What is gender role c Sexual Differentiation i What are the different hormones that begin to secrete in the male fetus ii What are the different hormones that begin to secrete in the female fetus d Hormones Sexuality i The presence or absence of testosterone affect the development of 3 things ii Does estrogen affect sexuality iii Activating effects vs Organizing effects iv What is the effect that activates sexual activity and secondary sex characteristics e Factors in Infancy i What are some potential problems with sex assignment at birth ii What are some advantages f 4 Factors of puberty g Transgender i Transgender vs Transsexual
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