UT Arlington BCOM 3360 - BCOM3360_Exam 2 Study Guide

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1 Long lead ins a Unnecessary introductory words i I am sending this email to ii We are sending this announcement to iii This is to inform you that iv I am writing to you to 2 Best Business Writing a Concise b No Unnecessary words c No Long lead ins d No Back to back prepositional phrases 3 Trite Business Phrases a Stale expressions being repeated over the years i Pursuant to your request ii Enclosed please find iii Thank you in advance iv In accordance with your wishes 4 Best Business Writing a Eliminate Flabby Expressions i As a general rule at a later date despite the fact that for the period of b Limit Long Lead ins c Drop unnecessary there is are and it is was fillers i Delay getting to the point d Reject Redundancies i Repeat meaning and include unnecessary words ii Unexpected surprise adequate enough exactly identical e Purge Empty Words i In the case of of the fact f Drop Clich s and Slang i Exhausted and overused expressions ii Lack clarity and freshness iii Below the belt easier said than done fill the bill first and foremost flying colors g Do not use Buried Verbs i Needlessly converted to wordy noun expressions ii Usually end in tion ment ance iii Conduct a discussion of take action on perform an analysis of h Control Exuberance i Words such as very definitely quite completely extremely really actually ii Excessive use of these words sound un businesslike 5 Conversational sentences a Short and simple 6 Trite Business phrases 7 Examples of Buried Verbs a Conduct a discussion of or give consideration to are 8 Best Writing 9 Best way to evaluate a finished written message a Feedback b Encourage reader to respond to your message 10 Best way to provide live tech support to customers a Instant messaging 11 Most effective Subject Lines a Informative b Summarizes central idea c Avoid meaningless or dangerous words i Issue problem important help free d Include Action Verbs e Explain purpose of message and how it relates to reader f Update subject line to reflect current message rather than Re Re g Usually abbreviated without articles a an the do not need to be complete sentences 12 Instant Messaging Services a Public IM service Client i AOL s IM Yahoo Google Jabber Microsoft chatting 13 Common Business Uses of Blogs a To interact with and keep customers and employees informed b Allows readers to leave feedback c Can produce unbiased consumer feedback faster and cheaper d Communicate internally with employees and externally with clients e Represent a new information stream f Publics relations customer relations crisis communication market research viral marketing internal communication and recruiting 14 First thing to do when starting a blog for small business a Identify audience 15 Majority of writing on the job involves a Positive Messages 16 First thing to ask before preparing a message a Do I really need to write this email memo or letter 17 When writing to a company about an internship opportunity first thing to do a Ask whether to write email or memo b Start with main idea if request might be received positively 18 Face to face is a better channel than email when a Get immediate feedback b Convey emotions c Supply a context d Smoothen disagreements 19 A letter would be more appropriate than email when a External Communication b A permanent record c Confidentiality d Formality 20 Best channel to use to give a brief update to sales promotion staff internal a Emails 21 Technique for doing routine requests and response messages a Direct 22 In a routine email request main idea should be placed a In the beginning first 23 Examples of most important information first a When message will most likely be received positively 24 The opening paragraph should a Begin directly b Include more significant statements c Contain question or polite command d Not include an explanation or justification unless resistance is expected 25 A command disguised as a polite request a Will you please 26 Writing an email message to a company asking about a software an appropriate opening statement would be a Start with the main idea b Ask most important question first or begin with a summary statement to list multiple questions c Just ask about the software 27 Routine Messages a Positive message b Asking for something c Requesting information d Be as descriptive as possible the first time e Assume they will say yes f Never say Thank You in Advance g Provide details in the body h Close with appreciation and action request i Make it easy for the reader to reply 28 Best closing for an adjustment message a Logistics of refund or product delivery b End positively by expressing confidence that the problem has been resolved and that continued business will result c Suggest a new product d Appreciate customer 29 Goodwill Messages a Always have a goodwill message b Should be prompt 30 The 5 S s of Goodwill messages i Selfless focus on receiver ii Specific personalize message mention specific incidents iii Sincere let words show genuine feelings avoid formal pretentious flowery language iv Spontaneous fresh enthusiastic message direct and natural v Short few sentences brief 31 Formatting International Business Messages a More likely passive voice exaggerate courtesy obvious flattery b May be hand written c Address arrangements may vary d Dates and numbers can be confusing e Spell out names of months and identify currency f Research local preferences g American efficient direct concise h Japan letters begin with respect humility nature references i China letters strive to build relationships tentative j Germany informal letters address with honorifics last names refer to past k Italy refer to family l France considered ride to begin with request directly 32 Goals of communicating Negative News a Explain clearly and completely i Receiver should understand and accept ii Should not have to clarify b Project a professional image i Be polite control emotions ii Do not take it personally c Convey empathy and sensitivity i Understand not necessarily agree ii Avoid creating legal liability iii Do not feel guilty d Be fair i Impartial rational e Maintain friendly relations i Don t burn bridges ii Try to regain confidence of customer 33 Direct pattern for delivering negative news BAD NEWS REASONS PLEASANT CLOSE a When bad news is not damaging minor insignificant b When the receiver may overlook it critical messages c When receiver prefers directness if someone asks for it or expects it d When firmness is necessary strong

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