BA 101 Introduction to Business 182 Lillis Hall Monday Wednesday Winter 2014 10 00 PM 11 50 PM CRN 22174 Instructor DOUG WILSON douglw uoregon edu 424 Lillis Hall 346 3293 Office Hours Tuesday Thursday 9 00 11 00am and by appointment Recorder MARIANNE ROSEN MURR LCBBA101C uoregon edu 370 Lillis Hall 346 3494 Ms Rosen Murr will be your primary contact to notify when you will be absent and have questions about making up work Tutor Center 155 LILLIS HALL Located off the main entrance atrium toward campus COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to challenge you to learn about the private enterprise system and better understand how organizations operate within that environment Through this course you will Explore the functional areas of business including management accounting product development marketing production and operations management human resource management and finance Learn concepts language and conversations that have evolved to help manage business organizations Learn how to be successful in an environment characterized by uncertainty and risk You will begin building your understanding by studying the kinds of decisions that are made in organizations the models managers use to help them make the decisions and how those decisions are shaped by the markets they serve You will be actively involved in making business decisions in a competitive environment and using the concepts to improve your decisions over time Building understanding is like building anything else You need raw materials and you have to engage in an active process that combines the raw materials into something new In this case the raw materials are business vocabulary concepts and models that are provided in the course The active process will involve teamwork and in class participation For this reason your active attendance in class is expected Another goal of this course is to challenge you to meet your responsibilities in a timely manner As in all university coursework it is your responsibility to know what is required of you to locate the resources necessary to complete the assigned tasks and to complete those tasks on time To receive full credit for any missed deadline in class or on line you have to notify me ahead of time and have a verifiable academically legitimate reason COURSE STRUCTURE The educational value of this course is created through the assigned activities and exercises These activities and exercises are organized and delivered primarily through the course homepage the simulation and class meetings COURSE INFORMATION AND MATERIALS Course Homepage http blackboard uoregon edu The Blackboard homepage provides access to all reading materials lecture slides support materials exercises assignments and grade information To log on you need to enter your user name your Duck email user name and a password your email password The Information Technology Center ITC in the Knight Library can help you resolve Blackboard problems Resources from the University of Oregon Bookstore 1 Foundation Web based Simulation SIM F61437 000 www capsim com This subscription web based simulation offers the experience of making business decisions in a competitive marketplace You can buy a packet from the UO Bookstore or for a few dollars less purchase this online at www capsim com 2 iClicker We will be using the iClicker student response system You can purchase either the iClicker 1 or iClicker 2 both work for this course at the UO Bookstore at the checkout counter The iClicker is the University of Oregon s vendor of choice and it may be used for other classes and can also be sold back to the bookstore 3 An Introduction to Business 8th edition ISBN 1269561502 and the 7th edition will work The course text provides critical reading material for the class This material is also available on Blackboard if you choose to read it online or print it yourself COURSE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Students earn their grade according to the very specific criteria specified below I may be very sympathetic to your need for a good grade but it will not change the grade you earn in the course In Class Work In class activities are designed on the assumption that you have come to class prepared If you do not come prepared your lack of commitment will affect your understanding and possibly your grade For example you will complete a series of application exercises called Foundation Exercises in the An Introduction to Business text that will help you build a functional understanding of the course concepts as they are applied in the simulation It will be beneficial to complete these exercises before class and this will be helpful for the in class activities In class activities will be evaluated with the use of an iClicker and you will be expected to have a functioning and registered iClicker for every class meeting beginning in week 2 class 3 Missed Class Options If you miss a class meeting it is your responsibility to notify the class recorder Marianne RosenMurr before class and make up missed work in a timely fashion Missed in class directions are posted on Blackboard under the Missed Class link You can make up missed class work for academically legitimate excused absences In class activities missed for reasons that are not academically legitimate can be made up for partial credit See Blackboard for details On line Quizzes There are six on line quizzes scheduled throughout the term available on Blackboard Each quiz will contain 20 multiple choice questions selected from a larger question pool Each time you take the quiz you should get a slightly different set of questions selected from a larger question pool You can take a quiz as many times as you wish and the highest score will be recorded Quizzes can be made up only if you contact Ms Rosen Murr before the deadline and have an academically legitimate and verifiable excuse BA 101 Introduction to Business Winter 2014 Page 2 Examinations There will be two midterm examinations consisting of 50 multiple choice questions The second midterm exam is not cumulative however because your understanding is expected to grow throughout the term the second midterm exam builds on acquired information for an increasingly sophisticated test of your understanding Foundation Performance Your grade on a business simulation called Foundation will be determined by the timely completion of assigned activities and the performance of the company you manage The simulation requires you make a series of business
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