UH KIN 3305 - Sport and Physical Activity Throughout History (cont.)

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KIN 3305 1st Edition Lecture 6 Sports and Activity Throughout History cont Outline of Previous Lecture I The Renaissance Reformation and Age of Enlightenment II Industrial Revolution III Sports in the United States Outline of Current Lecture I Sports in the United States cont II Nationalistic Era III The Age of Technology and Mass Communication Current Lecture I Sports in the United States cont a Major Problems and Scandals Lead to Congressional and Criminal Justice Actions i Collegiate football deemed too violent and unsanctioned 1 Governing body sought ii Professional baseball incurred infamous Black Sox scandal 1 Predetermined sport outcome iii Boxing sought a white heavyweight champion 1 Great White Hope iv Sports at virtually all levels were racially segregated 1 Jim Crow laws maintained e g UIL and PVIL 2 Gendered sport participation 3 Limited female sport involvement b Evolving Nature of Sport i Sport becomes a major assimilatory agent ii Linked to economic productivity national loyalty pride character development social etiquette II Nationalistic Era a Sport Evolves into a Major Entertainment Option and Revenue Generator i Monetary potential and sport sponsorship pursued ii Professional and collegiate sport team marketing iii Collegiate speculators charged admission fee iv Increased collegiate alumni support sought These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute v Professional athletes receive salary contracts vi Sport betting is widespread vii Active involvement in Olympic Games viii Heroes and myths chronicled by sport reporters ix Baseball becomes the national pastime b Heavily promoted professional sports i Boxing ii Baseball iii Football iv Golf v Horse racing c Heavily promoted amateur collegiate sports i Football ii Basketball iii Swimming iv Track and field v Wrestling vi Tennis d Decade benchmarks i 1920s 1 Golden age of sport 2 Great Depression thwarts Gilded Age ii 1930s 1 Collegiate football stadium construction 2 African American Jesse Owens and female athlete Babe Didrickson become Olympic stars iii 1940s 1 War Years National Anthem and sports radio 2 Sport leagues begin to desegregates iv 1950s 1 Cold War era and televised sports 1950s 2 Fitness becomes national priority III The Age of Technology and Mass Communication begin

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UH KIN 3305 - Sport and Physical Activity Throughout History (cont.)

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