UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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POLS 2312 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 Politics Political behavior patterns Texas Politics Government Policy making Local state government Political Culture Moralistic culture Individualistic culture Traditionalistic culture Texas Political Culture Texas Individualism Texas Traditionalism The 6 flags of Texas Land The politics of geography size and regions The economy of geography Cattle Cotton Timber Oil People Demographic features Racial ethnic groups New Economic Directions Energy High Technology Biotechnology Services Agriculture Trade Challenges For Texas Immigration Water Environmental Protection Education Economic challenges Social problems and poverty Chapter 2 The American Federal System Federalism Distribution of power Constitutional Powers of the National Government Constitutional Guarantees to the States Constitutional Limitations on the States Implied Powers Delegated powers 10th Amendment Reserved powers Interstate Relations and State Immunity Full faith and credit clause Federal State Relations An Evolving Process Devolution Grants in aid Block Grants Texas Constitution 1827 Constitution of Coahulia y tejas 1836 Constitution of the Republic of Texas 1845 Constitution 1861 Civil war Constitution 1866 Constitution 1869 Reconstruction Constitution 1876 Texas Constitution Constitution Amendments and Revision The Bill of Rights The powers of Government and Separation of Powers Suffrage Local Governments Chapter 3 Local Governments and Federalism Legislative Executive Judiciary Municipal Governments Legal Status of Municipalities General law Home rule Ordinance Recall Initiative Referendum Forms of Municipal Government Strong Mayor Council Weak Mayor Council Council manager Municipal Politics Non partisan elections Single member districts Redistricting At large elections Municipal Government Revenue Property tax Financial Issues Local Government City County Special districts Councils of Governments COGs Colonias Metro areas Annexation Vote America Film from today s class

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UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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