UIUC NEUR 414 - Unit 2 Day 2: Neural Systems

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NEUR 414 1st Edition Lecture 4 Unit 2 Day 2 Hippo hippocampus Testing Familiarity demonstrating the idea of having that familiarity component and going towards the one that isn t if you then lesion the area around the hippo the animal cannot do this test explores both objects equally new test then take animal and then expose it to two sets of the same objects in two different environments then expose it to one of each in a test asking which object is novel in which environment normal animal will go to the novel stimuli for the environments its put in which one doesn t belong lesions of hippo it explores both objects equally b c both objects are familiar the only thing different is the pairing of the objects and the environment it needed its hippocampus to associate the stimuli and the environment together neuro cortex tells you you know something and hippo relates two things together Two processes for memory recall hippo remember people s names cortex knowing you know someone somethings familiar DNMS yes b c surrounding cortex is not damaged animals can do it just fine HM no he had a messy lesion idea does still fit with the literature Morris Water Maze progression of animal neuroscience before was human took animals a long time to find something that was hippocampal dependent animal takes a long time to find the platform at first These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute eventually using visual cues it finds the platform if you lesion the hippo they cannot perform task fornix major outputs of hippo disconnected from rest of brain problem doesn t look like an episodic task Place Cells look at when the episodic memory is performing looks like cells in hippo cared about where the animal was in space believe hippo is making a spacial map of the environment is this episodic memory no so doesn t fit with human literature testing the idea what happens if you rotate enviro location where the cell fires moved as well as the enviro and then move again if you move everything back now took rat and what happens when they make enviro bigger put them in small room looked where it mapped and then made the enviro larger the map got larger as well location of firing got larger and moved to wall meaning if it really was mapping space the firing would not have moved like that Howard Eichenbaum and T maze trained rats on modified T maze going one side to the other what do place cells do when animal is in the center of the maze if they were mapping space it shouldn t matter if they are going right or left should still fire left turn fires a lot right turn little firing place cell only actived when turning left others activate when it turned right CANNOT be mapping space Associative Map Theory for animals the hippo is making associations between stimuli by doing that you use that feature for navigating space fits with human literature Two types of association delay conditioning does not need hippocampus trace conditionings needs hippocampus Hippocampus not where memories are stored but making associations need hippo to join stimuli so you can recall things so if hippo is damaged there is no association between you and your memories Larry Cahill Why do we remember some events and not others simple study told undergrads a story 2 versions separated them into groups 1 neutral and 1 arousal but as he told the stories he showed the exact same pictures Phase 1 and 3 are the same for both groups Phase 1 intro Phase 2 hear loud crash arousal open door and drunk driver hits girl Phase 3 nothing to see at hospital and to go home neutral Phase 1 mock disaster drill ambulance comes and works on actors actresses Phase 2 mock surgeries Phase 3 nothing to see at hospital goes home Phase 1 and 3 perform the same phase 2 arousal remembered more than neutral had not been tested until this point what brian region regulates emotional content amygdala animal lit said emotional content to a stimuli amy Cahill worked with a patient who did not have amygdala did arousal version of the story with him and he did not remember well Phases 2 3

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UIUC NEUR 414 - Unit 2 Day 2: Neural Systems

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