HD Family Interaction January 20 2015 Announcements paper due 1 week from Thursday instructions are on Angel Paper does not have to be longer than 2 3 pages he does not pay attention to page length one example Family and Medical leave Act FMLA o up to 12 workweeks of unpaid FMLA leave in each 12 month period for medical leave family leave spouse child parent childbirth newborn care leave adoption foster care leave Andrew Cherlin on family demographics Deinstitutionalization to make something not a part of society o example decoupling of marriage and childbirth o religion not as important when choosing a spouse o divorce rate 42 marriage in the U S some trends o 1890 26 5 men 23 5 women o 1950 23 men 20 5 women o 2011 28 men 26 5 women for the exam know the trends of marriage Know the age is about 26 years We are different today from the marriage ages in the 50s than we are from the 1890s trend from 1890 to today is a slow gradual decrease from 1890 to 1950s and then a fast increasing age between 1950s to today 2010 study of women married by age 30 o White 81 o African American 52 o Hispanic 77 most important factor in determining marriage rates education o college educated are less likely to marry before age 25 but are more likely at 40 to have ever been married child bearing in the US some trends o in 2010 57 of all births in the United States were to married couples o in 1970 89 o in 1950 96 percentage of births to unmarried women o Asian 17 white 28 Hispanic 51 African American 72 o No HS diploma 68 HS diploma 53 some college 32 college degree or more 7 Families are defined primarily through their interaction rather than through their structure What is communication o A symbolic transactional process of creating and sharing meanings o symbols can be verbal or nonverbal nonverbal expressions include facial expressions eye contact gestures body movement posture o transactional communicating persons have a mutual impact on each other unique reality o levels of meaning 1 informational level 2 relationship level history is necessary 3 metacommunication conversations about communication January 27 2015 If you are sick contact TA Sue ahead of time to make up points for any in class activities What do we mean by theory o help us make sense of the world around us o allows us to answer the why question o critical for intervention last time o symbolic interaction o social exchange o developmental life cycle o life course perspective today o ecological perspective o attachment o family systems o social learning Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Perspective o Urie Bronfenbrenner 1917 2005 professor at Cornell University one of the founding fathers of human development o Bronfenbrenner s model is shaped like a bull s eye center of the model the individual characteristics temperament gender microsystem immediate settings in which we develop family school peers health services church group neighborhood mesosystem connections between microsystems exosystem microsystems that indirectly influence development friends of family mass media social welfare services macrosystem cultural blueprint that shapes social structures and activities attitudes and ideologies of the culture chronosystem effects of time and historical context patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life course sociohistorical conditions time sociahistorical conditions and time since life events o development does not occur independent of context o there is a lot of complexity in our contextual influences Attachment o Attachment theory how do early experiences with caregivers shape our future relationships o John Bowlby attachment is an affectional tie that a person forms to another specific person o Mary Ainsworth developed secure base idea attachment figure is home base from which we can explore the world o Ainsworth developed the Strange Situation to assess quality of mother child attachment o from an attachment perspective our early relationships provide a template for our future relationships is the world around me predictable safe nurturing or is it distressing unpredictable isolating Family Systems o system set of components that inter relate with one another to form a whole o family a system comprised of related sub systems partner partner parent child siblings o systems are interdependent o each family member s behavior is related to and dependent on the behavior of others o dynamics in one subsystem can often only be understood by looking at the dynamics in another subsystem o systems have self regulating patterns patterns make life more predictable and manageable what communication rules did you have in your family of origin February 3 2015 family of origin influences o multigenerational transmission o genetics vs environmental issues three types of correlation o 1 passive correlation relation between the genes that parents pass on to children and the environment they provide for their children o 2 evocative correlation relation between the genes parents provide for children and the reactions of other people to their appearance or behavior o 3 active correlation children s active attempts to find environments that are compatible with their genotypes also known as niche picking o two types of twin studies 1 compare the similarity of MZ identical twins to DZ fraternal twins on most traits MZ twins are more similar than DZ twins Passive correlations is something that influenced me to go to college My parents did not make me involve in any type of extra curricular activities Often times my mom would give me lessons of math and reading to help me start learning before I began kindergarten Even when I no longer wanted to learn and I was tired my mom would still teach me She even bought a white board and calculator for her to teach me lessons I remember she would say a word and she would expect me to spell it on the white board My mother was a huge advocate for education and that definitely made me want to excel in school Another passive correlation that influenced me was my mom s ability to sing When my mother was younger she won multiple singing competitions During my childhood until now she had a karaoke machine and by the time I was three she had me learning lyrics and singing To this day I have a natural love and semi talent for singing Lastly being good at reading in junior high made my teachers and mentors push me to do reading club Because of that I was a member of my junior high s distinguished readers
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