UNT JOUR 2000 - PR in Context

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JOUR 2000 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I PR agenda overview impressions and super bowl commercials Outline of Current Lecture II PR in context III Corporations IV Pop Quiz Current Lecture PR in context Different types of organizations and people use PR for different reasons Corporations Corporations use PR to drive up interest in a product which the ultimate goal is more sales Corporations will release media packets with ready made copy and images of their products Corporations can use a spokespeople and media events to garner media coverage Target journalist who specialize in their product They ultimately are targeting the general product Corporations use PR to build credibility and goodwill with the public These things directly impact customer loyalty brand identity public policy and ultimately sales They may not be selling just a product they might just be selling an image Building up goodwill can help a company in times of crisis or during poor sales quarters Crisis PR is very important QUIZ true or false 1 PR and advertisement are vastly different with the same goal FALSE 2 PR tends to be less nimble and flexible than advertising FALSE 3 PR is only concerned with the general public FALSE 4 PR is comprehensive TRUE

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UNT JOUR 2000 - PR in Context

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