IUB TEL-T 343 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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Tel T343 1nd Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 10 15 Lecture 10 February 26 What are ratings Total number of households watching the show out of the total number of households with a TV It s a percentage What is the potential drawback of relying on ratings data as a value signal to your prospect The audience isn t the prospect target Is a rating a feature or a benefit Feature Why do Networks and TV stations rely on survey results of sampled audience members Because audiences are too large to conduct a census themselves The audience for a rating is usually aggregated at what level Demographic Lecture 11 March 03 What is NTI Pocketpiece Household and person audience estimates for all sponsored broadcast network programs Gives you sponsored broadcast network programming doesn t report on things that don t have advertisements tied to it Shows you how show did across country On what basis is NTI Pocketpiece used Figures out who watched what on a national basis Used by 9000 households People selling for NBC etc What are premier to dt and quarter to dt program averages You can get data that reports how the show is doing from first quarter to now or data how the show has done since it premiered Can show that the show is building an audience What is VCR TiVo contribution by program Anything that has a people meter connected to it has live data and for people who time shift it get live 24 three days post live broadcast What is the problem with time shifting People can fast forward through the advertisements and prospects won t like this What is Galaxy Navigator overnights Overnight rating share and HUT estimations On what basis is Galaxy Navigator used More rapid data on a local level Local Indy show What is the problem with overnight data There is no demographic just at the household level What does Galaxy Navigator identify Strong performing time periods and programs How often does NSI sweep Sweeps 4x a year in 210 markets February May July November What is NSI known as Viewers in Profile Who uses NSI Used by people selling in Indianapolis or local levels Both agency and direct means In the industry even qualitative analysis is Quantitative Example What drug store you go to do you read the daily newspaper type of car you drive etc 16 of viewers who watch Wish TV shop at Kmart Lecture 12 March 05 Who do media planning calculations matter to Primarily to National agency sales Direct sales have to do with the relationships you make with the prospect Price has much less to do with it If you like Audi you will pay more What does CPM stand for Cost per thousand What is the calculation for CPM cost of media buy total audience x 1000 What is the calculation for CPM TM cost of media buy targeted audience x 1000 What is the calculation for CPRP for a program placement program rating Cost per rating point Proposals never do what Merely list avails Just list advertising ability Merely give a rate card Lie to prospects Sell prospects what they don t need Use bait and switch Bad mouth the competition If your proposal merely gives a rate card it insinuates what That advertising is a commodity You don t want the prospect to think this Listeners from X are different from Y and here s why Proposals always do what Give information about the advantages Give differential competitive advantage Create value Are part of a presentation What can a proposal do to imply about their advantages Give information about the advantages and imply that it is over the competition don t straight out say it A sales collateral does what Jog their memory about a previous conversation you had with them Mention features and advantages of your medium Mentions company Mentions product features Three tiered description of value Lecture 13 March 10 What is a leave behind Anything created to hand over either physically or digitally to a client or potential client creates brand awareness What should the layout of the leave behind encompass Visually appealing appropriate fonts simple and structured What should be communicated in the Proposal Title page Table of contents Problems page Features benefits of the medium at least 5 Understanding the market of Potter s Pub Lecture 14 March 12 How often an ad should run is based on what Goal and budget The more frequently an ad runs the more costly it will be for the client What is continuity The concept of how often an ad should run What is a continuous schedule Ads are scheduled continuously during the period of the campaign What is a Flighting schedule Ads are scheduled to run during set periods of time called flights What is a Pulsing schedule Can be viewed as a combination between continuous and flighting Clients are often interested in hearing what the station is willing to do for them in terms of Sales promotion tie in Lecture 15 March 24 What qualities do the best presentations have The products services come alive and capture the audience s attention When should you present the investment in a presentation At the end What benefits should be included in the presentation 3 tier benefits of medium company and of each station What are some ways you can establish confidence Be on time prepared and organized

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