UNT JOUR 2000 - PR Agenda

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JOUR 2000 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Public Relations overview differences between PR and advertising Outline of Current Lecture II PR Agenda a What you have to do to be successful III Impressions a How is it important IV Super Bowl commercials Current Lecture PR Agenda Through PR you are trying to Set the agenda What are people talking about Define the conversation How do we talk about things What is included Ex What are the summer blockbuster films Filter your product company into popular culture Create buzz about your product Address multiple publics at once Impressions Definition An interaction between media content and audience Ex How many times something has been viewed number of people how much buzz etc Way of measuring interaction Super Bowl Commercials Budweiser puppy commercial vs Go Daddy puppy commercial Budweiser https www youtube com watch v xAsjRRMMg Q Go Daddy https www youtube com watch v qI9wq2ZDoKM Budweiser meant to be a more heartfelt and trusting commercial while Go Daddy s PR strategy is seen as more inappropriate and confusing Kim Kardashian T mobile commercial https www youtube com watch v ZTwzsV3I3OQ Example of good PR for Kim Kardashian and an example of advertisement for T mobile trying to reach to a younger more popular crowd To Be a Dad Toyota Camry commercial https www youtube com watch v QEzdVV9U8Tc Camry had been having problems with the brakes and were recalled using this commercial to build trust with the father and child relationships as well as acting as good PR for the football players

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UNT JOUR 2000 - PR Agenda

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