UNT JOUR 2000 - Public Relations

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JOUR 2000 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture Overview of syllabus Outline of Current Lecture II Public Relations A PR is a comprehensive strategy to shape public perception control media narratives frames and persuade for a particular view point III PR vs Advertisement IV PR V PR vs AD examples Current Lecture Public Relations Public relations as well as advertising and marketing are all components of a strategic campaign PR can also be a stand alone strategy PR vs Advertisement Public Relations Advertisement Concerned with brand branding Concerned with an ever evolving complex Logos slogans Concerned with a malleable image of a person or organization Product sales More nimble and flexible than advertising Public Relations PR often uses the media infrastructure to disseminate complex messages Infrastructure transmission media such as telephone lines and cable lines Can also be used to communicate with employees shareholders and other members of an interest group organization Interested in in filtering information through the media and opinion leaders While advertisers are interested in directly speaking to the public by buying ad space PR often incorporates and reflects current issues in culture and society PR Example Lululemon scandal Not all good PR is good PR Marketing Example Lululemon home page

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UNT JOUR 2000 - Public Relations

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