UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - The Carolingian Empire

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HIST107 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Iconoclasm II Byzantine Empire III The Islamic World IV The Carolingian Empire A Charlemagne Outline of Current Lecture I Charlemagne continued A The Two Powers II The Carolingian Renaissance Current Lecture The Carolingian Empire Charlemagne His Carolingian Empire anticipated the unity of Europe Representations of political and religious authority were shown in artwork statues o In some cases Christ was depicted in emperor garb which indicates how the Christian Emperors sought to do God s work on Earth The Two Powers o Regnum authority of emperors and kings secular power o Sacredotium authority of priests and bishops sacred power o In an argument between Pope Gelsius to Emperor Anastasius the Pope asserts that the two powers must cooperate but ultimately the sacred power is greatest This controversy and power struggle continues for many years These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute This is NOT the separation of church and state there is no state because the emperors and kings see themselves as doing God s work and the church is not viewed as an entity apart from politics A mosaic depicting the split of power from the pope s view depicted Saint Peter in the center with Pope Leo and Emperor Charlemagne below him In previous artwork it was a single figure of religious and political authority unlike the division and separate figures of 8th and 9th century depictions Charlemagne was crowned emperor by Pope Leo III o Letter to Leo 796 Told Leo that it was his job to pray and Charlemagne s job to spread faith o Charlemagne is known for the construction of his church in Aachen based on the church of Ravenna and the church of Hagia Sophia The clergy were positioned below and Charlemagne had his position above to look down upon the proceedings The Carolingian Renaissance Some people claim that under the Carolingian Empire there was a flourishing and expansion of monastic learning and education Monasteries in the 9th century were central for copying and collecting documents and scripture o Scriptorium library where monks copied texts o Merovingian script not very uniform fairly messy Carolingians initiate a reformation of the texts to be more clear and understandable Carolingian miniscule 9th century an attempt to reform and standardize in the Carolingian World Supplementary Reading Reading the Middle Ages 3 13 Dhuoda wrote to her son the work highlights the literacy concerns and monastic sensibilities of an elite Carolingian era woman o This handbook shows us about the ideals of the time period particularly among the aristocracy

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - The Carolingian Empire

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