UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Learning strategies and mitosis

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Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Different types of interviews and studies that can be conducted Outline of Current Lecture II Zone of Proximal Development III Scaffolding IV Cultural Influences V Genetics VI Mitosis Current Lecture Zone of proximal development the process of learning how to do something important thing is the teacher scaffolding temp support teacher provides for children learn to understand problems cultural influences on development swalding babies then put them on straight wooden board eskimo and native Americans do this wrapped in a blanket and then tied with ribbon delayed in crawling and walking but does not effect them later in life baby exercise central and western Africa exercise baby to develop muscle strength and muscle build think there babies will be stunted if they don t they are advanced sit earlier crawl earlier by a couple of weeks video dangling take baby put foot and shake it stretching washingwomen raise all the babies together in central Africa near Congo where his gradate friend went how does this affect attachmentnot necessary to have a single care giver can still develop and develop bonds chapter 3 genetics chromosomesshort arm long arm look at all chromosomes in sematic cell 23 pairs labeled 1 22 and then the sex chromosome xx female xy male autosomal recessive disorder mitosis how cells divide single parent cell that splits into two identical daughter cells right at the start of mitosis the strains of chromosome duplicate and make identical copies then get pulled apart into daughter cells and one strain goes to one cell and the other strain goes to the other cell 2 daughter cells meiosis mother has 46 chromosomes father has 46 chromosomes make fertilized egg gametes sex cells 23 chromosomes from each parent 4 daughter cells because divide twice

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