UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Different types of interviews and studies that can be conducted

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Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Developmental Psychologists Outline of Current Lecture II Structured Interview III Clinical Interview IV Longitudinal study V Cross Sectional Study VI Cross sequential Study VII Common Rule Current Lecture structure interview controlled setting read from booklet sequence of questions depending on their answers you may chang e the questions you ask Clinical interview free formed more lax furbee interview had a barbie g erbie furbee hold all the thing s upside down barbie was held upside down forever hold g erbie upside down turned over very fast 8 seconds hold ferbee upside down turned furbee over after 1 minute long itudinal test wait years and test wait test takes a long timesame people tested each time cross sectional test kids at different ag es not the same children in each g roup test kids 4 6 and 8 at the same time shorter period of time find averag e cant follow individuals thoug h cross sequential long itudinal and cross sectional have different g roups of children start in 2004 do cross sectional test 2 6 and 10 year olds follow those children for the nex t 4 years test the same children as they g row every four years how the environment affects motor development cultural study took identical twins and filmed them as they g rew up one twin g ets an enriched ex perience the other g ets normal tested them on walking reaching climbing swimming running etc Common rules rule in order to participate in studies need consent

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