Exam 1 Review Background of Society industrial revolution in europe theories have been used to develop new theories in society lasting influence on direction of society 1800s pple started moving off their farms change Sociological Imagination ability to see our private experiences and personal difficulties as entwined with the structural arrangements of our society and times at which we live individual experience social phenomena Macro vs Micro macro study of large scale and long term social processes conflict theory functionalism micro detailed study of what individuals say do think moment by moment as they go out on their daily lives individual interaction social interactionism Three Perspectives functionalism conflict symbolic interactionism Functionalism key structure family each individual shares a function common values sees society as a system with shared consensus on their core beliefs and values ex family dependent on state to educate children distinguished between manifest and latent functions manifest consequences that are intended and recognized by the participants in a system latent consequences that are not intended or recognized by the participants in a system organic solidarity dependent on each other due to differences ex manufacturer depends on sales pple to sell product ex sales pple depend on manufacturers to make product mechanical solidarity derived from oneness from being so alike community because share common belief ex christianity Durkheim suicide and ties he connects suicide higher in protestants than catholics higher in married than unmarried Conflict struggle for power pwr determines who will gain and who will lose conflict perspective is implying the theory karl marx came up with conflict theory focused on principles of history on economic environments in which societies develop class conflict believed society is divided into those who own the means of producing wealth those who dont giving rise to struggle between classes modes of production basis for means modes of production is basis for any society marx ex religion politics culture means of production things to produce wealth ex institutions factories machines theory of labor how do capitalists make money squeeze labor have china make shoes cause costs less and there are more people Social Interactionism occurs when we communicate with symbols society is possible because humans have the ability to communicate with one another by means of symbols we act toward people objects events on the basis of the meanings we impart to them Symbolic Interactionism micro perspectives Mead stimulus interpretation response I and Me Theory 2 sides of each person Me makes me act a certain way in society I is the individual self how we express ourselves and interpret norms ex the ME knows to wear clothes in public the I determines which clothes and how much little we wear Ch 1 developing a social consciousness Sociology as a science theory constructivism general framework that provides an explanation empirical tests variables independent variable causes the effect dependent variable affected variable main research methods surveys gathering data on people s beliefs values attitudes perceptions motivations and feelings Interviews questionnaires experiments observations historic Ch 2 culture culture learned patterns for thinking feeling and acting transmitted from generation to generation society groups of people living in the same territory and sharing the same culture territory ex America vs Asia components of culture norms social rules that specify appropriate inappropriate behavior in given situations ex wearing clothes mores norms to which people attach a good deal of importance and exact strict conformity folkways norms pple do not deem to be of great importance and to which they exact less stringent conformity values broad ideas regarding what is desirable correct good that most members of society share ex value for christianity is going to church symbols acts objects that have come to be socially accepted as standing for something else language socially structures system of sound patterns with specific arbitrary meanings cultural universal and diversity cultural universals something everyone has access to ex everyone has access to ride public bus not everyone has access to having babies subculture ex amish follow laws have different values why does culture matter 3 perspectives func binds people together with shared meaning conflict supports capitalism ex worker in manufacturer sym int constructed and reproduced at individual level Ch 3 socialization importance of socialization key to development ex feral children had no socialization bad development culture is transmitted from one generation to another individual and society Harlows experiment w infant monkeys monkey went to soft one instead of milk one showing we need love comfort support Mead s theory of socialization I and me social interaction brings out me agents of socialization family peers mass media schools Ch 4 social groups social group 2 or more people in group that influence each other share sense of unity ties expressive ties social links formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other people ex marriage instrumental ties social links formed when we cooperate with other people to achieve some goal ex coworkers primary and secondary primary group 2 or more people who enjoy a direct intimate cohesive relationship with one another secondary group 2 or more people who are involved in an impersonal touchand go relationship have come together for a specific practical purpose in out groups in group you identify with out group you don t identify with group dynamics facilitation people do better when others are watching due to social pressure ex you workout harder if you are in a group than if you were just working out at your house loafing process in which individuals work less hard when working in groups than they do when working individually ex group project and one person gets an A cause they let everyone else do all of the work groupthink everyone comes to same decision because of majority even if wrong social dilemma personal interests vs group conformity majority how pple conform to majority and conform to authority authority can persuade normal pple to do abnormal things authority can have affect on individual judgement and behavior asch line sizes milgram zapping of people Ringelman theory productivity lessens as
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