SC SOCY 101 - SOCYch.1-4

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Thinking Sociologically Socy is the scientific study of social interactions and social organization Sociological Perspective Sociology as a science scientific study of social interactions and organization Chemistry studies usually consist of 2 people Rigorous and systematic social interaction a hard scientific endeavor a lens through which you view the world Developing a sociological consciousness sociological imagination ability to see private experiences personal difficulties and achievements in part as a reflection of structural arrangements of society and at times in which we live C Wright Mills imagination and real world impact of issues on society and society s impact on issues Durkheim on suicide new perspective on suicide people with deeply personal issues social forces were behind his friends suicide social interaction takes part weak ties to fam friends leads to suicide strong ties to fam friends leads to suicide ex protestants have less of a community than catholics levels of integration atheists higher catholics lower cults higher Free will and determinism economics is all about how people make choices socy is all about how people don t have choices to make James Dusenberry Social structure provides opportunities and constraints on our behavior society has influence on way we act but we have freedoms within many assumptions guide how we investigate behavior Theoretical behavior provides set of assumptions interrelated concepts and statements abt how various social phenomena relate to each other Macrosociology large scale rather than certain individual long term social processes of organizations institutions and broad social patterns ex study unions as group study gender as group Microsociology detailed study of everyday life of individuals individual in society Macro perspectives Functionalism Conflict theory Micro perspectives Symbolic interactionism Individuals Sociological Perspectives Theoretical Perspectives Macro Functionalism Conflict theory Micro Symbolic interactionism Functionalist approach Conservative view on society interrelated parts each serving a function survival in society society is highly ordered members share common values consensus like biological system stable orderly system Functional Theorists Emile Durkheim What creates solidarity 2 types of solidarity mechanical organic people need each other in order to survive Talcott Parsons Focus on family function men are instrumental jobs handy work women are expressive housework care all institutions must work together to help society Robert Merton Manifest function anticipated intended consequences ex when you go to college you intend to get a degree Latent functions consequences not intended recognized Dysfunction against common goal of society not helping goal of society Historical significance flourished till 1960 conservative ignores conflict emphasizes person to unit relations and maintaining the status quo exaggerate consensus integration stability ignores there are different views underlying common goal always survive Conflict Perspective opposite of functionalism emphasizes disorder instability interests that divide social change power ability to control behavior of others even against their will determines who gains and loses society persists because no one conflict can become so great as to tear society apart resources are scarce and zero sum groups battle for resources society is a collection of groups groups held together by social power groups compete and struggle for power through politics religion gender role power elite argue that hierarchy is placed there by pple with more power on those with less power in every aspect of society conflict theorists Karl Marx class power conflict emphasis on inequality economy and society thoughts on society material conditions anchor evolution mode of production economic base religion philosophy culture politics thoughts on economics the mode of production base of society means of production how things are produced relations of production who controls means of product and whose labor is used on value value is amount of labor to produce it given a free market prices drop and stabilize over time how capitalists make profit squeeze labor pay as little as possible fire them hire immigrants exploitation and inequality Macro theory similarities individuals are incumbants of positions Marx humans makers of history but not by their choosing Durkheim freedom is choice of constraints Social Interactionism interaction makes people unique is an ongoing process Human experience is subjective stimulus interpretation response meaning of behavior lies in response meaning is socially constructed you can observe meaning significant symbol significant meaning shared meaning people can communicate ex something on fire all share thought to evacuate pple speaking diff lang dont know what fire means but they know what it looks like and how to respond reality is acquired and shared through agreed upon symbols Mead response to watson stimulus response stimulus interpertation response Cooley looking glass self view of oneself comes from perception of others Goffman masks of reality pple put different masks on themselves for different social settings ex mask of confidence while playing sports SI seems more relatable to todays time than others Why does rape exist functionalism parts of society not connected as whole people disconnected and disregard norms of society rape is dysfunctional deviant behavior makes us more aware of our social norms and values conflict rapists show higher power to another upper class people rape lower class people to reinforce structure conflict between subgroups social interactionism deviance is in the eye of the beholder punishment doesnt determine crime it produces it Sociology as a Science explaining gender inequality at home functionalism skdj conflict men have more power since gain money SI men just dont feel its their role to clean because its feminine background industrial revolutuon in europe theories have been used to develop new theories in society lasting influence on direction of society 1800s pple started moving off their farms change founding fathers mex weber conflict theorists beurecrarcy lifestyle protestant ethic charisma ideal type focus on principle characteristics of subject ignore minor differences sociologists should have objective view on their studies not have personal bias on topic development of sociology contemporary

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SC SOCY 101 - SOCYch.1-4

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