MSU ZOL 341 - Translation - Initiation
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ZOL 341 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Transcription factors II Sequences III Post transcriptional processing IV Ribosomes Outline of Current Lecture II Recitation III Phases of translation Current Lecture recitations on Monday were cancelled due to weather so most of lecture was review of what would have been covered in recitation slides are posted online nothing new was covered initiation step 1 the Shine Dalgarno Sequence a purine rich sequence of 6 nucleotides located 3 9 nucleotides upstream of the start codon a complementary pyrimidine rich sequence is found near the 3 end of the 16s rRNA preinitiation complex forms when the 16s rRNA and Shine Dalgarno sequence on the mRNA base pair step 2 initiatortRNA binds to the start codon at the P site the amino acid on the initiator tRNA is a modified amino acid Nformylmethionine fMet These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute step 3 the 50s subunit joins the 30s subunit to form the intact ribosome driven by hydrolysis of GTP to GDP

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MSU ZOL 341 - Translation - Initiation

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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