Mizzou MANGMT 1010 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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Management 1010 Exam 1 Study Guide Chapters 1 3 Creating Value For Stakeholders 1 1 What is the basic idea of creating value for stakeholders and what is the job of the manager 2 2 Who are the primary and secondary stakeholder groups 3 3 What is the mindset suggested for managing stakeholder relationships Chapter 1 Employee and Management Development Why is employee development important in today s organization Why is it so important to employees p 8 9 1 1 What are the three approaches to traditional employee development p 9 14 2 2 Who has responsibility for employee development What are things that an employee can do to take the initiative for their own development p 14 15 3 3 What are the reasons why management development is so important What are the two long lasting benefits of understanding the match required between managers and their organizational context p 16 17 4 4 What are the qualities required for a President CEO What are the challenges of training executives What are the different methods of executive training p 33 37 NOTE DUE TO THE LACK OF STUDY TIME MATERIAL FROM P 18 32 WILL NOT BE ON THE TEST Chapter 2 Marketing Creating and Capturing Customer Value 1 1 What do Zappos p 48 49 and in N Out p 60 61 have in common 2 2 What is Marketing p 50 51 3 3 What are the steps in the marketing process p 51 Also review the expanded version at the end of the chapter so you know where activities occur in the process p 75 76 4 4 What are market offerings marketing myopia and the main elements in the marketing system p 52 54 5 5 What are the steps involved in designing a marketing strategy What are the different marketing management orientations p 54 57 6 6 What is customer relationship management customer perceived value and customer satisfaction p 58 59 7 7 What are the changes trends occurring in the ways companies are relating to customers p 62 65 8 8 Why is maintaining customer loyalty so important What is customer lifetime value and customer equity What is the classification scheme for customers based on potential profitability and loyalty p 66 68 9 9 How have Target P G Lexus and De Beers responded to the recession and trend towards frugality What firms have benefitted from the troubled economy p 69 71 Chapter 3 Getting Started Principles of Finance 1 1 What is Finance What are the three basic questions that are addressed in finance What are the benefits of studying finance p 88 89 2 2 What are the different types of business organizations What are the advantages disadvantages of each type p 89 91 3 3 How does the principle of maximizing shareholder wealth relate to Coca Cola and Google visions What is the assumption that allows shareholder interests to align with those of other stakeholder groups p 93 94 4 4 What is the agency problem What are potential ways to limit the problem p 94 95 5 5 What are the four principles of finance Know this area thoroughly including examples p 94 95

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Mizzou MANGMT 1010 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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