ADPR 3100 Exam 1 08 26 2014 Roles of advertising Definitions of effectiveness Perspectives for explaining effectiveness o Behaviorism o Rationalism o Culturalism Effectiveness Advertisers goals is effectiveness What is effectiveness Possibilities o Ad s cause you to buy stuff Powerful EXAMPLE behaviorism needs urges and instincts we cannot control Physical and emotional Maybe these urges can be controlled Conditioning classical conditioning Pavlov s dog o Persuade you to buy Not powerful ads can only tell you not force you EX o Pressure you to buy Potentially powerful no guarantee EX Behaviorists view of advertiser s role Create stimuli ads to condition responses that benefit the product services Overt no secret behind the message Sex for advertising o Take the natural response and transfer those emotions to the product Subliminal you may not consciously see them but your brain is processing them Theory of representation Symbolism o Isolated textual characteristic specific meaning Eg long cylindrical shape always phallic Behaviorism o Innate drives and urges can be conditioned to certain stimuli Advertising is powerful Rationalism o Needs and wishes individual known and controllable There is nothing unconscious about our thought process it is rational o enlightenment individual Rationalists view of advertisers role deliver dependable truthful information representation o denotation info is clear and logical no hidden message o intrinsic information o reason why advertising can be interesting and visual as well glass cleaner magic trick rationalism o rational choices o dependable info ads crucial for informed decisions Pressure you to buy Culturalism o Born into and taught general ways of understanding the world o Assumed to be natural and commonsense o pressure negative positive negative create anxiety positive to warrant success o representation signification meaning not in the message but meaning made through associations textual and social we learn and internalize the meaning of particular associations Associational meaning Bulldog vs Uga o UGA vs Dog Breeding Association in society An attitude on women in society o Live in a sea of learned often taken for granted meanings o Ads select and remake meanings o Advertising can potentially be powerful DEF OF EFFECTIVE THEORY OF REPRESENTATION BEHAVIORISM RATIONALISM 8 22 14 Has there always been advertising Notices and announcements Change medieval modern CLAIM Social status o Entered by your own personal effort you can make what ever you want to be in the world o In medieval world the station you were born into was the station you would die in to o Nowadays in the US if you work hard enough and try you can potentially be what you want to be o Nowadays advertising advertising products are advertised to you by what will help you what will benefit you and do good for you Purpose of life o Medieval speaking purpose of life was the ultimate goal of doing good to get into heaven o Nowadays advertising is simply for you to enjoy yourself enjoy life don t take it too seriously Getting goods o Medieval life trading goods to get what you need in life o Today all of the things we need to live we buy it Ideas and conditions for capitalism Advertising in Early Capitalism Emerging Problems Production distribution Consumption August 27 2014 Advertising Rhetoric Definition Visual Rhetoric Allegory Mimesis A show Narrative Rhetoric Epigram Advice Parable Medieval to Modern Changes Continuities connections between ancient world and today o Astrology Images and stories in Advertising Advertising is a modern invention But reuses ancient ways of picturing the world and telling stories Rhetoric Classical definition study of techniques by which speakers connect themselves with their audiences Study of body movement to connect ourselves to our audiences as a speaker As applied to advertisingo Techniques that ads use to connect consumers audiences us to products Visual Rhetorics looks and appears and narrative rhetorics how story is told Visual Rhetoric ways of showing o Allegory Symbols that reveal the nature of the world Give us an insight of an aspect of how the world works Examples Cupid representing love and romance telling us something of love and romance and how it works How he is playful unpredictable can t plan to have him there he just shows up can t chose who you love Example Boticelli s Venus goddess of love Allegory demonstrate basic truths of the world o Mimesis Images as windows on the world Reality showing what is actually going on in the world Optics Perspective system To make realistic horizon line the point in which the sky meets the ground Orthogonals a line that sets where all your straight lines will be All orthogonols come together at the vanishing point Observation not participation No one is looking at you you are looking at them Mimesis in ads Anything taken from a camera is a mimetic image Reality true o A show Music dance production Demonstration Flattery put on just for us Can come in big show or smaller scale shows Clearly entertaining for an audience Flattery we re the center of attention encouraging us to pay attention to the ad Narrative Rhetoric Ways of telling a story o Epigram short paradoxical statement of surprising insight Little stroked fell great oaks Benjamin Franklin talking about conquering a huge challenge by doing small things to accomplish it To define the beautiful is to misunderstand it Fernando Pessoa saying something can be understood by a radical formula I can resist everything every except temptation Oscar Wilde giving a view of himself Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth Pablo Picasso Seeks to reveal a hidden surprising truth Combining two opposites paradox o Advice personal interaction some one trying to help you that cares about you individually Flatters us with personal attention feels authentic and truthful That they want the best for us o Parable story that teaches a lesson about the world and how it works Ex Asops fables slow and steady wins the race Ex canon camera s parable of the lost moments of what you need to capture in a picture and hold on to Learn a basic truth Importance of the product Rhetorics are combinations Rhetorics and Acceptance o Effective advertising depends on people accepting the message o People paying attention to the ad and thinking about it o Effective rhetorics encourage acceptance o Advertising uses age old rhetorics Intro to Advertising 8 29 14 Rise of
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