UGA ADPR 3100 - Exam 3 notes

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12 03 2014 Goals Researching the thinking behind advertising campaigns Understanding challenges to advertising Assessing the substance and nature of such challenges Working productively in a team Purpose Describe a particular challenge o Pick a campaign that a particular group has a problem with Analyze and asses the reasons for it Assess to what degree the challenge was warranted justified and successful Build greater awareness of avoiding challenges STAGE 1 proposal due September 29 Key things o Campaign in the time frame 1960 2014 o Must have been challenged by a named organization o Campaign not a single ad Post choice of campaign to eLC in group project topic PROPOSAL DETAILS One page Identify this product service cause and the specific campaign o Tag line Note the approximate dates the campaign appeared o Campaign and when it was challenged Name the organization that challenged it Cite one news story from a newspaper or trade publication about the challenge Briefly summarize the reason for the challenge Attach one sample ad or provide URL if video and a print out of the news story MIDTERM PEER EVALUATIONS due sept 29 Sent to me using process outlined later STAGE 2 REPORT AND PRESENTATIONS Nov 17 Dec 5 Presentation 12 minutes max Paper 10 12 pages plus references Many details and tips in the syllabus DEC 5 FINAL PAPERS AND FINAL PEER EVALS 10 10 14 UGA libraries Research help ADPR 3100 Factiva o Wall street Journal Business source complete o Advertising age o Ad week o Media week General expectations Full attribution footnotes endnotes or ref list Paper requirements Analyze ads using creative toolbox Be very explicit and clear with requirements Presentations Engaging interesting presentation 5 5 rule no more than 5 bullet points no more than 5 words 15 minute maximum What was the campaign Why was it challenged By whom What was the challenge justified Or are they just going off on a tangent What would the most minor change be that could have headed off the challenge What would be the smallest change in the campaign Creative toolbox Media types o Static o Dynamic o Immsersive Organizations o Headline visual o Pitch o Story o Montage Techniquies o Visual metaphor o Synergy o Characters o Plot o Involvement exploration The creative must understand these tools to use them Ads are static Synergy between visual and headline Music sensual Visual metaphor Hot these women are hot and so is this burger o Desire lust need defined characters involvement ADPR 3100 Roles of advertising 12 03 2014 Definitions of effectiveness Perspectives for explaining effectiveness o Behaviorism o Rationalism o Culturalism Effectiveness Advertisers goals is effectiveness What is effectiveness Possibilities o Ad s cause you to buy stuff Powerful EXAMPLE behaviorism needs urges and instincts we cannot control Physical and emotional Maybe these urges can be controlled Conditioning classical conditioning Pavlov s dog o Persuade you to buy Not powerful ads can only tell you not force you EX o Pressure you to buy Potentially powerful no guarantee EX Behaviorists view of advertiser s role Create stimuli ads to condition responses that benefit the product services Overt no secret behind the message Sex for advertising o Take the natural response and transfer those emotions to the product Subliminal you may not consciously see them but your brain is processing them Theory of representation Symbolism o Isolated textual characteristic specific meaning Eg long cylindrical shape always phallic Behaviorism o Innate drives and urges can be conditioned to certain stimuli Advertising is powerful Rationalism o Needs and wishes individual known and controllable There is nothing unconscious about our thought process it is rational o enlightenment individual Rationalists view of advertisers role deliver dependable truthful information representation o denotation info is clear and logical no hidden message o intrinsic information o reason why advertising can be interesting and visual as well glass cleaner magic trick rationalism o rational choices o dependable info ads crucial for informed decisions Pressure you to buy Culturalism o Born into and taught general ways of understanding the world o Assumed to be natural and commonsense o pressure negative positive negative create anxiety positive to warrant success o representation signification meaning not in the message but meaning made through associations textual and social we learn and internalize the meaning of particular associations Associational meaning Bulldog vs Uga o UGA vs Dog Breeding Association in society An attitude on women in society o Live in a sea of learned often taken for granted meanings o Ads select and remake meanings o Advertising can potentially be powerful DEF OF EFFECTIVE THEORY OF REPRESENTATION CLAIM BEHAVIORISM RATIONALISM 8 22 14 Capitalism advertising Recorded human history notices and announcements Pre and early capitalists societies paid notices announcements Emergence of consumer society need an means for an advertising in industry Advertising is a recent development Advertisings is an integral part of a specific kind of society Has there always been advertising Notices and announcements been around for ages ancient Greece o Simple ad o Criers walking talking ads Change medieval modern Social status o Medieval you station you were born into was the station you would die o Modern you can rise to whatever career you want to Purpose of life o Medieval suffer in life to prepare yourself spiritually for Heaven o Modern simply enjoy yourself Getting goods o Medieval make everything for yourself or barter what you can t make o Modern we buy everything Ideas and conditions for capitalism Advertising in early capitalism o books Emerging problem o Production distribution consumption The capacity to produce expanded Industrial Revolution Distribution had to increase canals rail roads rise People weren t buying enough Advertising comes in play Convince people to buy 70 of total economy is consumer spending Emergence of consumer society Has there always been advertising Notices announcements persuasion by merchants Capitalism messages paid for by merchants Consumer society industry that makes the messages o ALL THREE MAKE UP ADVERTISING 8 27 14 Advertising Rhetoric Definition Visual rhetoric Allegory Mimesis A show Narrative rhetoric Epigram Advice parable Medieval to modern changes continuities o astrology images and stories in advertising advertising

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UGA ADPR 3100 - Exam 3 notes

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