UA NHM 101 - NHM Notes Exam 3

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NHM CH 10 Solubility B and C vitamins water soluble Found a lot in blood and urine Kidneys filter B vitamins serve as coenzymes Attaches to enzyme and allows it to continue with process reaction Energy metabolism process Thiamin coenzyme TTP and plays role in nerve transmission Grains Pork Heat can destroy thiamin can leech out while cooking boiling water Alcohol can impair thiamin absorption and gets rid of it Riboflavin coenzyme FMN Grains Milk main source Greens Can be destroyed by UV light Deficiency redness and inflammation of mouth gums tongue skin GI tract Niacin coenzyme neurological Grains Deficiency pellagra 4 D s o Diaherra o Dermatitis o Dementia o Death Nacin for heart disease Biotin coenzyme and protects neurological degeneration Grains Egg yolks contain protein that bind to biotin and keep them from getting absorbed would need a lot of egg yolks Deficieny o Depression o Lethargy o Red scaly rash o Hair loss Pantothenic Acid coenzyme A Deficiency is rare Widespread in foods Vitamin B6 RDA 1 3 mg day key recommendations underlined in outline Coenzyme RBC s Neurotransmitters Found in non citric fruits and animal products Without B6 the production of key neurotransmitters would decrease Vitamin B12 coenzyme Nerve fibers Depends on folate for activation Milk grains many animal products Can be destroyed through microwave cooking Deficiency anemia and impaired cognition Folate recommendation 400 mcg Coenzyme Cell multiplication main functions Depends of B12 Deficiency anemia and GI tract deterioration Grains green veggies oranges Lack during early pregnancy can cause birth defects o Spinabifida Antioxidants Phytochemicals and Functional Foods Free radical o Created by metabolic reactions in body o Reaction produce unstable molecule o Unpaired electron o Damage fatty acids DNA RNA proteins o Other causes UV rays air pollution tobacco o Antioxidant protect membranes and gets free radicals away Main minerals against oxidants o Selenium manganese and zinc Antioxidant Vitamins o Vitamin E defends body lipids o Beta carotene defends lipid membrane o Vitamin C protects other tissues Found in fruit and veggies Choose fats high in vitamin E Phytochemicals Found in plant derived foods o Biological activity in body Defends against cancer o Protect DNA damage Soybeans o Phytoestrogens Tomatoes o Lycopene Defend against heart disease o Flavonoids o Protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation Lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation Function Foods Foods that have beneficial effect of health o Whole o Medical o Modified Ex cranberry juice protect against UTI Consumption patterns for beneficial effect Major Minerals Inorganic elements Cannot be destroyed Do not contain C Variable bioavailability Found in larger amount in the body calcium and phosphors found the most Sodium Functions o Fluid and acid base balance o Nerve transmission and muscle contraction Found in extracellular fluid 75 from processed foods 15 from added salt 10 found naturally in food Ai 1500 mg UL 2300 mg Sodium deficiency is rare toxicity is common Hypertension and salt sensitivity o How easy salt can affect BP Chloride Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance Part of hydrochloric acid Abundant in foods Al 2300 mg Deficiency rare tsp of salt Ai required amt of chloride and sodium Potassium maintains fluid and electrolyte balance BP lowering effect Ai 4700 mg Deficiency high BP kidney stones Best food source whole foods Toxicity never can get too much potassium from foods Calcium Most abundant mineral in body o Bone teeth and body fluids o 99 in bone and teeth Bones provide calcium for food Calcium absorption kids and pregnant women absorb have more absorption rates Leafy greens and milk products 44 million that have bone loss RDA for adults 1000 mg RDA for adolescents 1300 mg Phosphorus 2nd most abundant found in bones teeth and all cells o 85 in bones and teeth Assists in energy metabolism Structure for phospholipids RDA 700 mg Deficiency unlikely Dairy products Magnesium Functions o Bones muscles and teeth Half found in bones and teeth o Part of energy metabolism catalysts o Supports normal function of the immune system RDA 310 mg women 400 mg men Magnesium deficiency o Bone health o Hypertension heart Dx DM Leafy greens

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UA NHM 101 - NHM Notes Exam 3

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