UA NHM 101 - PY 101 Exam 3 Notes

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PY 101 Exam 3 Notes 2 forms of Reasoning Deductive Reasoning Reasoning from general to specific o Ex birds have feathers general o Robins have feathers so a robin must be a bird specific Inductive Reasoning Reasoning from specific to general o Ex I love my intro to psych class therefore I will love all psych classes Problem Solving Strategies Algorithms o Systematic way of thinking Guarantee you ll find it Takes longer Ex look at every shelf in library Heuristic Mental shortcut o Rule of thumb Ex higher price better quality What percentage of felony cases is a plea to insanity Less than 1 Availability Heuristic Making a decision base on the answer that most easily comes to mind o Ex flying vs driving people more afraid of flying You can impose limitations on yourself when you problem solve Schema Cognitive structures that help us perceive and process info o Ex classroom car store part professor at a bar Script A schema that directs our behavior o Ex out to eat movies class first date o Helpful and influence our reasoning process Choice Making decisions gives us a sense of control o Too many choices bad o Depression o Ex grocery store study 3 vs 12 Jam selection Satisficer and Maximizers Satisificer good enough philosophy Maximizer make best possible decision o Compare labels reviews Mere exposure effect o Decisions can be influenced by what we have been exposed to Ex song choice food friends Functional Fixedness Using an object for its typical function Cup to drink out of o But you can use a cup for other things Framing How info is presented can affect the decisions we make Marketing and Framing 83 cents per day for a gym membership sounds better than 25 a month 80 lean meat Children and Problems Solving Improve child s problem solving skills o Let them figure it out alone o Give them more love Background Intelligence ability to use knowledge to reason Physical and personality differences o Individuals differ in terms of intelligence too Psychometrics Measurement of intelligence Achievement vs Aptitude Test Achievement knowledge and skills that have been learned o Class exams Aptitude measures individual potential to perform well o SAT Intelligence Quotient IQ Mental Age o Intellectual age compared to same age peers Chronological Age o Actual age of person Average IQ o 100 o 70 intellectual disability Validity o Does the test measure what it is suppose to measure o Very important IQ is a good predictor of life outcome Self control Cultural Bias Main problem with test o Penalize people in other cultures o Ex da bomb General Intelligence g Charles Spearman A factor that underlies intelligence Predicts performance in school and work Fluid and crystalized intelligence Fluid o Ability to process info in novel or complex situations ability to learn new things how fast can you pick something up o Decreases with age why old people have trouble performing tasks o Peaks at young adulthood Crystallized o Knowledge we acquire through experience o Street smarts o More stable o Increases with age wisdom Does birth order affect intelligence Research says first borns tend to have higher IQ Savants People who have some sort of intellectual exceptional ability We know very little about them tend to be autistic Kim Peek like rainman Stereotype Threat Conforming to negative stereotypes related to ones own group Ex women are bad at math Can affect performance on things Development Psychology Study of changings over the life span There are social cognitive and biological changes Four main stages of the life span o Prenatal o Childhood o Adolescence o Adulthood Child Development Story of Genie found at 13 locked in her room never had contact with people o Still alive today somewhere in California o Still does not speak Prenatal Development Formation of zygote o Sperm and egg Development of embryo Development of fetus 9 months Baby Hormones and Teratogens Hormones can affect fetuses Stress hormones are associated with o Low birth weight o Poor cognitive and behavioral outcomes Teratogens o Environmental agents that can affect a fetus o Drugs alcohol Fathers matter too o Paternal smoking and drinking o Fathers who smoke and drink a lot children tend to have high chance of heart and brain defects Brain Development The brains grows through learning Neuronal connections are created and myelinated insulating neurons Synaptic pruning overtime brain takes away connections Newborn Abilities Fairly well developed perceptional skills Acute sense of smell Good dense of taste especially sweet stuff Good sense of hearing Vision 8 to 12 inches from in front of them Newborn Reflexes Grasping reflex hold your finger Rooting reflex turning and sucking o Based around breastfeeding and eating o Stroke chin they turn their face Optimal Brain Development Talking Reading Singing Physical contact Harlow s Monkeys Famous researcher known for his work with monkeys When scared ran and clung to cloth mother Shows the physical touch is VERY important for newborns Attachment Emotional connection that persists between people Infants develop an attachment with caretaker Attachment is adaptive Attachment Styles Secure Attachment o Most kids have this o Comforted by attachment figure during distress Insecure Attachment o 35 40 of kids have this o Avoidant or anxious ambivalent towards attachment figure The Strange Situation A research experiment designed to determine the attachment styles between child and parent Key clue reaction of child when mother returns Who cares Attachment during infancy can predict attachment style later in life Cognitive Development Jean Piaget o Four stages of development o Sensorimotor o Preoperational o Concrete operational o Formal operational Sensorimotor birth to 2 years Learn through sensory motor ability Sucking Put everything in their mouths Preoperational 2 to 7 Egocentrism all about me o No connections in convos Lacks conservation cant make judgments or think logically Concrete Operational 7 to 12 Achieves conservation Formal Operations 12 Use logic Think abstractly Theory of Mind Understanding that thoughts and beliefs are different from your own Once this is fully developed o Children can learn to lie o Smartest kids are lying Adolescence Puberty Females 11 years old Males 13 years old Girls menstrual cycle breasts Boys deep voice body hair Hormones o Testosterone and estrogen Timeline of Puberty Females who experience early puberty have a difficult time dealing with it Males who experience

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UA NHM 101 - PY 101 Exam 3 Notes

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