UW-Madison RP&SE 300 - 2.2 Notes

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Lecture 2 02 02 2015 Review of Emma Pierick Anne Coulter Called Obama retarded John Franklin Stephens Has down syndrome 30 year old man who has struggled with the public and wrote Anne Coulter a letter Important Terms Developmental Delay versus Developmental Disability o Many states have different standards for this o 3 9 ages o Really young children you use this for there s insufficient information to make them a autism child They present themselves with a developmental delay o When a children s physical cognitive behavioral emotional or social development falls behind the normal ranges for his her range Developmental Disability versus Developmental Delay o Life long disability that existed before the age of 22 o Autism Spectrum Disorders Cognitive disabilities cerebral palsy Rett s disorder etc only effects little girls Little girl had an apple put in her hand didn t realize Teach the child slowly it s a nasty developmental disability At Risk o A predisposition o High probability of having a disability due to biological environmental and genetic factors o Watch these kids a little more closely Special Education o School would do an assessment and see if the child reaches eligibility o This is a service o Customized teacher strategies to meet the needs of the student o Often in the regular classroom o IEP Individualized education plan These students have this Would have one of the 13 categories of disability some might have more than one Related Services o OT Speech Language Pathologist nurse Incidence o Refers to the rate of inception or the number of new instances of a disability occurring within a given time frame usually a year Prevalence o The number of individuals with a particular disability currently in a population at a given time 13 Categories of Disability o Autism deaf blindness developmental delay mental retardation other health impairments speech or language impairments traumatic brain injury visual impairments including blindness Each have specific criteria to be met to check off that box o Have a medical diagnosis this person has autism see if he needs an IEP some schools will do their own assessment and see if that person meets needs of an educational diagnosis Pros and Cons of Labeling Individuals with Special Needs Do you really want your child labeled If it brings them special services to help then yes Depends on the school district o If they don t get an IEP don t get labeled then they get to college and don t have the special services that they should have o 504 gives a child what they need time and a half the child s profile See a label as an explanation maybe the child can t be in a classroom with 50 100 other kids Distribution of Students Ages 6 21 Receiving a Special Education During School Year 2011 2012 fairly recent data Specific learning disability 40 7 Speech or language impairments 18 5 Intellectual disability 7 4 EBD Emotionally behaviorally disturbed History of Special Ed Emma s parents knew something was wrong because she was extremely small People with physical anomalies were sent to an asylum o Horrible conditions Not until the middle decades of the 18th century did Europe consider education persons with disabilities France took the initiative to assist persons who were deaf blind and intellectually disabled Rest of Europe Britain and North America followed suit Persons who were deaf were the first to be served in all countries followed by those who were blind o Why Wasn t cognitive impairment really if you could give them a visual language like American Sign Language then they could make great gains Most attractive to work with because they were the easiest Pioneering Contributors to the Development of Special Education Jacob Pereira o People who were deaf could communicate o Credited with early form of sign language o From Portugal Philippe Pinel o French o Wanted humane treatment for people with mental illness wanted them released to their chains o Father of occupational therapy Jean Marc Gaspard Itard o Taming wild boy aka Victor o Tried to teach Victor to speak but he failed o Why didn t this work Because it was after his critical period Edouard Seguin o French o Developed teaching methods for people with mental retardation now referred to intellectual disability o Immigrated to the United Stated Thomas Gallaudet o First person born in the US who is considered the father of special education Everyone else came from Europe o Motivated by the daughter of a neighbor who was deaf o Co founded institution for deaf people at the Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons Deaf means you can t speak Now called American School of the Deaf Dorothea Lynde Dix o Caring for the insane poor lunatics o Traveled across much of the US seeing how people were cared for state to state o Establishing numerous institutions for people with mental illnesses Louis Braille o French educator o Blind from the age of 3 from an accident o Good musically his school had books for the blind made up of large raised letters o He learned and made symbols for letters that still lasts to this day Alexander Graham Bell o Born in Scotland family immigrated to Canada he moved to the US o Was responsible for telephone and phonograph studied deafness Alfred Binet o French man psychologist o He had to determine what French students could and could not benefit from from special education o Father of the intelligence test o Recruited by Stanford University o Stanford Binet Test Maria Montessori o First female physician in Italy o Mental retardation and disabilities o Visited asylums o Designed her education approach for all children and opened Montessori schools good place for children with disability to be at 1817 onwards Institutions designed to cater to the unique needs of persons with disabilities o Consequences of this Protected those who were vulnerable Limited the opportunities of those being served Turn consumers into producers Many consumers in these rural settings were put to work on the farm and domestic duties Not requiring a significant of cognitive power Became clear that a segment of those institutionalized would never become productive or released American History Institutions and Asylums Social perceptions and beliefs of the time periods Terms used for these facilities over time Lunatic hospital lunatic asylum asylum for the insane insane asylum state hospital mental health center psychiatric hospital regional center retreat

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UW-Madison RP&SE 300 - 2.2 Notes

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