KU PHIL 180 - Hobbes's Theory, Laws of Nature
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Phil 180 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I Concept of Hobbes theory A Should there be a government B What would happen without a government II State of nature A Uncertainty B Scarcity C Equality III Laws of nature Current Lecture Opening question Why should there be a government What should happen without a government Hobbes s approaching to the question 1 How live will be in natural state without government Horrible state of nature worse than with a government 2 Why was life in a state of nature so bad a Equality power unequally distribute weakest does not has power to kill the strongest b Scarcity not enough thing for every body c Uncertainty never know what will happen no develop These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Laws of nature 1 First fundamental law tag for peace at all costs but you cannot obtain it use war Every man ought to endeavor peace as far as he has hopes of obtaining it and he cannot obtain it that may seek and use all helps and advantages of war 2 Second you should give up all your rights only of others will as well We should give up all our rights provided others are willing as well and each should be contented with Everyone has natural rights of everything anything reserve our lives 3 Third Honor your contract People should perform whatever contents they make make a agreement then you better honor the agreement Conclusion Everyone is suspicious as anyone else With government we will have better life natural right is horrible life

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KU PHIL 180 - Hobbes's Theory, Laws of Nature

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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