Lecture 1 01 26 2015 Email glbenson wisc edu Code 633864 Key Ideas Classrooms are made up of diverse learners Person first language is essential o NO suffers from is afflicted with tainted tarnished word o Words effect thinking o The girl with autism the autistic girl o They are people o Words DO matter I do not have a birth defect I am not brain damaged I am a person who has brain damage I am not crippled I am a person with a physical disability I am not wheel chair bound I am a person who uses a wheel chair o Video People first language can be hard Person before the disability Important because language tends to shape beliefs about a person s potential needs Language we use influences the way we see people Attitudes are powerful Exceptionality is always relative to the social or cultural context in which it occurs o Exceptionality is very relative o A student may not have a disability in their home o Ex Russell Wilson great player bring him to the pro bowl that exceptionality is gone Exceptionality is determined when compared against a set of norms o Ex If you aren t a skilled athlete and don t have exceptionality in that area that s ok people have a musical side if you re not musical people don t judge you because of that Definitions and Terminology Both general and special education teachers use this term It is an inclusive term Often refers to individuals who differ from societal or community standards of normalcy Identification of exceptional does not automatically require special education Exceptionality is relative to social or cultural context What is normal Words you use are important o Disability is not equal to handicap Disability Versus Handicap missed a lot here Disability o Limitations imposed on an individual physical cognitive sensory emotional Handicap o Is more of an environmental Classroom Suggestions Focus on the person rather than the disability Avoid super achiever and other stereotypes Avoid terms of pity such as afflicted with or suffers from and general labels like the disabled Use people first language such as boy with intellectual disabilities Use language that affirms ability such as uses a wheel chair rather than wheelchair bound Use correct terminology rather than euphemism Don t confuse disease with disability Portray people with disabilities as active participants in life and in society Spread the word to end the word When is it okay to use the word retarded o Never Down s Do not use with S Down syndrome or D S Emma Pierick Parents Mary and Karl Dwarfism Big head don t know if it s from parents or because of her disability 6 month developed seizure disorder o Stare into space o Had a mild type o Every hour had a seizure o Now she takes medicine o Went 3 months without the seizure this is her longest Might have autism fired the doctor she did ended up having autism o Started looking around and noticing other things o Intensive in home therapy 2 different types One was more play based The other one was more of a being at a table and working with other things 35 40 hours a week of therapists helping them with everything o 8 10 people o Found ways to incorporate her brother Brady in this Mom worked as a teacher during the day dad worked at night in restaurant Emma didn t talk until 5 years of age o She knows what she wants but couldn t communicate it 01 26 2015 01 26 2015
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