UIUC NEUR 414 - History Movie Notes

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NEUR 414 1st Edition Lecture 2 Neuroscience Video there will be questions about it on the exam Jim McGraw calls a map a metaphor through the years the maps become more detailed The Egyptians knowing it it your by heart thought the heart was the place where learning took place because it kept moving after it was extracted from dead bodies Greeks Plato three parts to the soul put intellect in the head emotion in the heart lust and greed in the heart brain serves as cooling system for the heart Galen brain is not a heart cerebellum running fast differentiation in parts of brain Romans Galen ventricles and fluid in head not in convolutions 16th century Da Vinci memory and intellect in ventricles 17th century Thomas Willis memory back in convolutions 19th century new ideas and new controversies Gall 1815ish feeling the bumps on a head originator of phrenology bumps on head reflection of brain much of Gall came from Spurzheim mentor puts memory in the frontal lobe today we don t think there are specific places in the brain for specific attributes said that brain is the sole organ of the mind brain contains many independent organs innate differences in intellect due to differential development of brain regions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute shape of skull corresponds to shape of brain sizes of skull regions assess propensities Flourens cerebrum intelligence medulla secret of life no independent parts of the brain all work together Ribot the loss in memory varies between time and the experience of the brian injury late 19th century when experiments began being performed by Ebbinghaus quantitative measurement of learning savings Method assessment of memory mass vs distributed practice forgetting as function on degree of learning 20th CENTURY William James habits and memory are separated primary and secondary proper memory distinction Condition Reflexes Pavlov russian psychologist on studies of digestion dogs learned to salivate to cues in the room Thorndike instrumental conditioning S R Rewards Connectionism animal is in charge of its fate cats in a box reward strengthen the connection between it and stimuli connectionism Hull views dominated between 1930 1950 Pavlov and Throndike put together S R reinforcement theory no neurobiology Tolman cognitive theory learning what leads to what no neurobiology there is more than one kind of learning not referring to James T maze rat turns corner and gets food when it is in a different starting place can it figure it out most animals went to the place but a lot when to the food Lashley cut out parts of brain and had rats do the mazes effects of brain lesions on learning and memory rejected S R explanations mass action and equipotentiality Flourens revisited failed to find engrams Morgan 1951 Handbook of Experimental Psychology no simple localization of memories in different parts of the brain Brain lesions remained the top technique EEG s weren t getting as far electrical stimulation was at the beginning Donald Hebb synapses cell assemblies provides account of potentiality mass action of cells Milner H M 1957 bilateral injury to the medial temporal region identification of a brain region that was significant for memory new memories are not formed remote and recent memories are spared for a short period of time skill and motor learning are not blocked not global amnesia cannot form new memories at all Warrington and Weiskrantz patients are capable of doing perceptional learning support James distinction between primary and secondary memory memory and habits Squire

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UIUC NEUR 414 - History Movie Notes

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