UIUC NEUR 414 - Historical Foundation

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NEUR 414 1st Edition Lecture 1 Unit 1 Historical Foundation notes based off of powerpoint mostly things that were stated in class that were not included What is Learning and Memory no one measures memory performance is what s measured How can we measure it psychological vs biological psychological only manipulate nature and measure behavior biological link facts of learning and memory in the brain TIMELINE don t worry about dates but I have included them for reference 1700bc Egypt 1st culture to have a word for brain 427 347bc Plato the brian was the seat of mental processes linked mental capabilities to the brian 384 322bc Aristotle said Plato was wrong believed the heart was where the essence lies where emotion and thinking is stuck with culture even now a day I love you with all my heart 130 200bc Galen surgeon believed heart was not correct put focus back on brain recognized that brian received sensory information and regulates motor control 1596 1650AD Rene Descartes took a step back believed brain is still at center but now looking at all the nerves thought that nerves carried fluid he called animal spirits the ability to control your limbs and sensory information via fluid of the nerves got this idea from irrigation systems of crops 1758 1828 Gall phrenology looking at bumps on skull 1776 1832 Johann Spurzheim worked with Gall student phrenology was important and allowed it to be widely publicized These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute but still looking at outside of skull not brain brain was no longer a black box wrong 1787 1869 Johannes Purkinje famous for looking at electrical potentials in the eye 1st to describe a nerve cell started a physiology department put electrodes into animal optic nerve 1842 1910 William James wrote the principles of psychology in 1890 1st time in written text plasticity was used idea that brian could change proposed idea that an experience can actually change your brain proposed distinction between 2 types of memory difference between short term memory primary and long term memory secondary lead to current thinking of short long term primary memory the initial repository in which information can be stored and made available to conscious inspection attention and introspection A an object of primary memory is thus not brought back it never was lost A memory you don t have to recall just there secondary memory information cannot be retrieved without initiating an active cognitive process A work to remember info A separated idea between things you know and things you are going to remember A ex your name primary memory 1849 1936 Pavlov very famous about same time period as James says we are just being conditioned everything in life is a conditioned response classical conditioning dogs simplifying learning to condition of stimuli response to a stimuli is out of your control once conditioned Unconditioned Response UR salivate to food Unconditioned Stimulus US food reward Conditioned Stimulus CS ringing of bell Conditioned Response CR salivating to bell Learning is due to S1 S2 R S1 R Two types of association trace conditioning separation between CS and US delay conditioning no separation 1852 1934 Cajal contributed a lot towards anatomy of neurons developed silver stain for visualization of neurons Golgi stain neuronal doctrine neurons are self contained interact through synapses 1st published text on synapses and flow of information idea that the brain can change what was changing is the synapses birth of synaptic plasticity change via experiences 1874 1949 Thorndike instrumental conditioning law of effect if you do something positive then you will do it again outcome of the learning is completely irrelevant only matters if it was positive negative Learning is do to S R 1886 1959 Tolman latent learning says outcome is everything reason why we learn goes against Thorndike learning is the gaining of knowledge Example 2 put rats into maze with no end goal and after a certain amount of time took them out did it over a couple days then after they had been put in multiple times he then put food at the end of the maze and then measured how long it took the rat to get the food compared to the rats that have never been in there according to Thorndike the rat should not have learned anything but Tolman showed that the rats that had been put in there before learned much faster how to get to the reward referred to this as latent learning learning that is not immediately expressed example 1 put rats into modified T maze and put them in at A and put reward at B animals learned to go to B for food according to thorndike there is no cognitive learning they are just getting a stimuli and responding therefore the animal is going to continue to turn right from A to B Tolman thought the animal is learning the higher cognitive processing and separated them out by removing the Barrier and put the rat at C location what would thorndikes rat do go to the right turn towards D for food tolman go to the left for the food at B about 50 of the rats turned right and other turned left after that said their is more than 1 type of learning brought higher thinking back into the talk of memory 1890 1958 Lashley brain surgeons were starting to map out parts of brain thought if you had a memory it must have a residence train animal on task and then cut out part of cortex until they found out where the memory is located mazes where animals learn to run through and find food and then remove food as it turned out it didn t matter how many knife cuts or how much he removed the animals were still able to perform task learned from Lashley that memories are not localized to one location throughout entire brain and why his experiments failed 1891 1976 Penfield neurosurgeon poking around in brains finding the bad parts and then removing them surgeries are done under local anesthesia and would stimulate areas and watch response of the patient ex arm hand movement created first map of the brain one of the first to publish maps mostly on cortex and folds 1904 1990 Skinner Operant Conditioning moves away from ideas of higher cognitive processing thinking and goes back to Pavlov and thorndike proposed idea of Operant conditioning active behavior that operates upon the environment to generate consequences Pavolv classic conditioning pairing and association Skinner environment acts upon

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UIUC NEUR 414 - Historical Foundation

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