UH KIN 3305 - Sport and Physical Activity Throughout History

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KIN 3305 1st Edition Lecture 3 Social and Cultural Aspects of Kinesiology and Sport An Introduction cont Outline of Previous Lecture I What is sociology of sport II Analyzing Sport from a Socio cultural Perspective III Sport as a Social Phenomena IV Sport as Social Constructions V Psychology Sociology of Sport VI Ideologies VII Why Study Sport From a Socio Cultural Perspective VIII Pervasiveness of Sport Outline of Current Lecture I Pervasiveness of Sport cont II What is Sport III Institutionalization and Sport IV Interesting Discussion Topics Start of New Lecture Sport and Physical Activity Throughout History V Major Era and Culture Current Lecture I Pervasiveness of Sport cont a Race Ethnicity Identity and Social Mobility i Basketball vs volleyball hockey vs boxing b Labor Relations i Unions strikes and collective bargaining ii Reserve clause antitrust laws and free agency c Lifestyles and Health i Eating habits and dietary supplements ii Fitness craze cosmetic fitness and empowerment II What is Sport These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute a An institutionalized competitive activity that involves vigorous physical exertion or the use of relatively complex motor skills by individuals motivated by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors or personal enjoyment and external rewards b Determining what is a sport and what isn t can be difficult to discern This is partly due to the fact that what is deemed a sport and what isn t varies over time and from culture to culture Although arbitrary certain characteristics can aid in the determination of sport forms c Elements Comprising Sport i Physical activity skill prowess and exertion of major muscle groups ii Competition a test of individual or group athletic prowess iii Unknown Outcome winner or loser not predetermined iv Structured Conditions competition occurs under formal rules and guidelines rules and guidelines institutionalized v Results and Outcomes III Institutionalization and Sport a Institutionalized or Institutionalization a major tenet or principle with respect to organized sport b Refers to a standardized set of actions or behaviors maintained over time and consistent from one situation to another c Sport adheres to the following i Standardized rules ii Sanctioned agencies for rule enforcement iii Technical aspects for skill acquisition iv Formalized mechanisms for training d Spectacle a k a Dramatic Spectacle is also tied to sport but varies as well i Motivating force driving participation tends to be extrinsic external rewards ii Staged for spectators iii Characterized as display e g Circus Ice Capades and Wrasling e Play is tied to sport but varies in certain ways i Elements of freedom and spontaneity ii Motivating force driving participation tends to be intrinsic personal enjoyment iii Informal norms guide activity flexible organizational structure f Points of Note i In organized sport athletes are motivated by the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards of the activity and the desire to display their athletic prowess ii Elements of play and spectacle exist in all sport forms iii Sport forms have evolved from basic survival work and play IV Interesting Discussion Topics a Sport as Wars Without Weapons p 9 b The Great Sport Myth p 11 c Sport Gender Benders p 15 d Sport as an Athletic Arms Race e The Salient and Pervasive Impact of Sport V Major Eras and Cultures a Civilizations like Ancient China Africa and North America have few artifacts or written documentation preserved excavated b Inhabitants of regions have served as architects of contemporary sport c Physical Activities and Sport Forms i Have existed in all cultures ii Date back to and traced to antiquity iii Evolved from basic survival skills work and warfare iv Sport means different things in different cultures and societies d International and National Sport Conference i Help convey the views perspectives and priorities of nations ii Social political and economic exchange e Organized Sport Forms i Dramatically changed over time ii No longer a mere quest for survival and religious expression iii Have evolved into a multi billion dollar global industry f Sport is International in Scope i At predetermined intervals nations collectively engage in sport 1 Olympic Games 2 World Cup

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UH KIN 3305 - Sport and Physical Activity Throughout History

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