SU NSD 225 - Sugar and Health
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NSD 225 1st Edition Lecture 5 CARBS Sugar and Health Cavities Obesity Drinking one can a soda a day can lead up to ten pounds end up drinking more calories than you think Fiber in Health Benefits more fiber you have may reduce risk in obesity fiber fills you up makes you feel full wont over eat Low in cal Satisfaction after you eat Enhancing Floccose Control Soluble fiber slows glucose absorption better blood glucose regulation control Fiber and Cholesterol absorption of cholesterol inhibited blood cholesterol lowered risk for cardiovascular disease reduced SOUBLE beans fruits oats INSOUBLE whole grains and greens Diabetes type 1 often occurs in children Genetic link body stops producing insulin hormone that helps us get carbs into our cells to get energy Treatment diet and outside source of insulin Insulin Therapy Insulin injections a couple times a day Insulin pump a tub attached to small pump in stomach area Diet therapy These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute consistent carbohydrate intake all meals throughout the day type 2 over producing insulin generally people 40 and older increasing rates in younger individuals obesity now found in kids because of this strong link treatment weight loss oral medications diet therapy insulin Gestational diabetes Not important for exam during pregnancy Facts 29 1 million people or 9 3 have diabetes estimated 8 1 million people undiagnosed Certain population groups more effected than others info on carbs Phospholipids lecithin emulsifying agent found in egg yolk and in brains Cephalic needed for blood clotting Sphingomyelin in brain and nerves system Saturated fats are not good some oils contain saturated fat coconut oil palm kernel oil palm oil NOT THAT GOOD FOR YOU unsaturated fatty acids oils liquids found at room temperature polysaturated also found at room temperature very bad for you Fat soluble vitamins A D E K Steroids Sex hormones adrenal hormones bile acids Sterols Ergosterol in plants and yeast Cholesterol found in animals anything with a tail Characteristics of fat Human fat not the same as other animals every animal has own fat Most concentrated source of energy Stores energy padding protects nerves insulates body NO DRI for fat but there are DRIs for essential fatty acids Percentage of fat by calories whole milk is half fat 2 35 fat 1 21 fat skim milk only tiny fat Essential fatty acids linoleic and a linoelic omega 3 fatty acids bread Trans Fat Cholesterol is not essential found in other animals make it in your liver makes sex hormones make vitamin D can build up in your arteries even if you don t eat any foods with cholesterol you still make it

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SU NSD 225 - Sugar and Health

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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