UGA CBIO 2200 - 1.14.15

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25 Random words form the 66 that we had Even though you submit a review question you can go back and change it Water and Mixtures Solution o Particles of matter called solute mixed with a more abundant substance usually water called solvent Water 50 to 75 of body weight o Depends on age sex fat content ect o Hydrophilic Substances that dissolve in water o Hydrophobic Substances that do now dissolve in water Polar covalent bonds and V shaped molecule o Solvency The ability to dissolve other chemicals o Cohesion Tendency of molecules of the same substance to cling to each other o Adhesion Tendency of one substance to cling to another o Chemical reactivity pH Hydrogen concentration o Thermal stability Helps stabilize the internal temperature of the body pH Acids Bases Acid o o Base o o Proton donor Releases H in water Proton acceptor Accepts H Our body uses buffers to resist changes in pH pH is a measurement of molarity of H o pH scale invented by Soren Sorensen Had to do with Alcohol A change of one number on the pH scale represents a 10 fold 10 1 or 10 2 10 3 change in H concentration o 3 pH to 4ph Decrease the hydrogen concentration o 4 pH to 3 ph Increase the hydrogen concentration Acidic low number 1 o Banana o Coke Neutral 7 Basic high number 14 o Eggs o Bleach o Ammonia o Sodium hydroxide Body s range o Blook 7 35 to 7 45 Metabolism All the chemical reactions of the body Catabolism o Energy releasing exergonic decomposition reaction o Breaking down molecule o Eating something and breaking it down Anabolism o Energy storing endergonic synthesis reactions o Using those break down materials to synthesize other materials o Catabolism and anabolism are inseparably linked Carbon Compounds and Functional Groups Organic chemistry the study of compounds containing carbon Four categories of carbon compounds Names associated with all 4 categories Monomers o The single unit Polymers o Having several Monomers together Macromolecules o Very large in molecular weight o Proteins and Nucleic acids o Carbohydrates Hydrophilic easily dissolved in water organic molecule General formula CH2O n o n number of carbon atoms o 2 1 ratio of hydrogen to oxygen Names of carbohydrates often built form Word root sacchar Suffix ose Both mean sugar Monosaccharide Simplest carbohydrate Monomer Simple sugar 3 Primary o Glucose o Fructose o Galactose C6H12O6 FORMULA for all three Disaccharide Sugar molecule composed of two monosaccharides 3 Disaccharides Sugar molecule composed of two monosaccharides o Sucrose Table sugar Glucose plus fructose sucrose Produced by sugarcane and sugar beets used as common table sugar o Lactose Sugar in milk Glucose galactose o Maltose Product of starch digestion and present in a few foods such as germinating wheat and mal beverages Glucose Glucose Oligosaccharides 10 to 20 monosaccharides Signifying that they are Polymers Polysaccharides Long chains of monosaccharides 3 Polysaccharides o Glycogen The storage form of glucose Polymer of glucose o Starch Also a polymer of glucose The energy storage of glucose in plants We don t make starch we have to get it from our diet o o Cellulose Polymer of glucose We don t make it from diet Important plant fiber that we get from diet Lipids Hydrophobic organic molecule Won t mix with water well Composed of hydrogen and oxygen o High ratio of hydrogen to oxygen Primary function Energy storage insulation and shock absorption adipose tissue Five Primary types in humans o Fatty acids Precursor of triglycerides source of energy o Triglycerides Energy storage thermal insulation filling space binding organs together cushioning organs o Phospholipids Major component of cell membranes aid in fat digestion o Eicosanoids Chemical messengers between cells 20 carbon compounds derived from a fatty acid called arachidonic acid Includes prostaglandins had to do with how we feel pain Produced in all tissues Inhibit the production of prostaglandins o Taking pills try to do this o Prostaglandins is what tells us that we have pain Menstrual cramps Contractions o Steroids hormones Chemical messengers between cells A lipid with 17 of its carbon atoms in four rings Cholesterol the parent steroid from which the other steroids are synthesized Cortisol progesterone estrogens testosterone and bile acids good and bad cholesterol HDL high density lipoprotein good cholesterol o More protein than there is lipid LDL low density lipoprotein bad cholesterol o Higher ration of lipid to protein o o Classified as Saturated o As much hydrogen as it can carry Unsaturated o Carbon atoms are joined by double covalent bonds Could share one pair of election with another hydrogen atom instead of adjacent carbon Hydrogen could be added to this molecule Polyunsaturated o Many double covalent bonds Essential fatty acids o We cannot make them o Most fatty acids we can make but these we can t Trans Fats and Cardiovascular Health Trans fatty acids o Bad o They easily stack on top of each other Cis fatty acids o Not much better o But they are better about not stacking Proteins Greek word meaning of first importance Amino acid Central carbon with three attachments Amino group NH2 Carboxyl group COOH Radical group R group Protein A polymer of amino acids Peptide bond Molecule composed of two or more amino acids joined by peptide bonds Dehydration synthesis Monomers covalently bond together to form a polymer with the removal of water molecule Two things that come together and lose their water maolcule Nucleic acids composed of nucleotides Three components of nucleotides Nitrogenous base single or double carbon nitrogen ring Sugar monosaccharide One or more phosphate groups ATP best known nucleotide FIGURE 2 31 LOOK UP o We get most of our ATP from glucose o Used for cellular energy Adenine nitrogenous base Ribose sugar Phosphate groups 3 Cinoinid stops ATP production Monomers The individual nucleotides Polymers of nucleosides DNA Rna o 3 types o Messenger RNA o RRibosomal RNA o Transfer RNA

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UGA CBIO 2200 - 1.14.15

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