Theatre Origins of Theatre Origins of Theatre Storytelling Imitation Religious Observances Rituals Costuming Thespis was the first actor Theatre and Religion Theatre was intimately bound up with Religion Annual Festivals were in honor of the Gods City Dionysia o Honored Dionysus o Lasted 7 days o 3days were devoted to Tragedy o 5 Comedies o Satyr Plays Theatre and Myth Myths have a strong hold because they o Sum up views of human relationship o Try to explain the problems catastrophes and opportunities life presents the individual Greek Tragedy Most admired form of drama Three Playwrights Aeschylus o Added the second actor o Master of trilogy Sophocles o Added the third actor Euripides o Most modern Oresteia Play he wrote is the only extant trilogy All actors in a Greek play were men who wore masks Six Elements of Drama Plot Thought Music Characters Language pros verse Speckle Plot is selection and arrangement of scenes as they appear on the stage Dominus Head of the troupe and lead actor Responsible for production to make money Rome Culture Choregus Person chosen to be in charge of producing the play doesn t make any money because festivals are free but pays money to produce plays Greek Culture Catharsis Great release of emotion Tragedies are NOT SAD in Greek culture
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