CSU MKT 361 - Module 5. Emotions and Affect

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Module 5 Emotions Affect Professor Seung Hwan Mark Lee Colorado State University Motivations The inner reasons or driving forces behind human action as consumers are driven to address real needs Human motivations are oriented toward two key groups of behavior Homeostasis the body naturally reacts in a way so as to maintain a constant normal blood stream Biological Self improvement changing one s current state to a level that is more ideal Psychological Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivations Lead to Consumer Behaviors Consumer Involvement Represents the degree of personal relevance a consumer finds in pursuing value from a given consumption act Types Product Shopping Situational Enduring Emotional Emotions Psychobiological reactions to appraisals Psychobiological because they involve psychological processing and physical responses Create visceral responses certain feeling states are tied to behavior in a very direct way Cognitive Appraisal Theory Describes how specific types of thoughts can serve as a basis for specific emotions Cognitive appraisals Anticipation Agency Equity Outcomes Emotion Terminology Affect represents the feelings a consumer has about a particular product or activity Emotion subjective representation of experience Mood a transient temporary and changing and general affective state 5 Elements of Emotion Cognitive Appraisal Bodily Symptoms Action Tendencies Expressions Feelings Measuring Emotion Autonomic measures Self report measures Differences in Emotional Behavior Emotional involvement Emotional expressiveness Emotional intelligence Emotional Intelligence Consists of Multiple Elements Schema Based Affect Emotions become stored as part of the meaning for a category Self Conscious Emotions Specific emotions that result from some evaluation or reflection of one s own behavior including pride shame guilt and embarrassment Emotional Contagion Emotional contagion represents the extent to which an emotional display by one person influences the emotional state of a bystander Emotional labor workers have to overtly manage their own emotional displays as part of the requirements of the job

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CSU MKT 361 - Module 5. Emotions and Affect

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