CSU MKT 361 - Module 4. Memory and Messaging

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Module 4 Memory Messaging Professor Seung Hwan Mark Lee Colorado State University Multiple Store Theory of Memory Views the memory process as utilizing three different storage areas within the human brain Implicit and Explicit Memory Implicit memory Unintention al learning Explicit memory Intentional learning Types of Memory Episodic Memory Semantic Memory Autobiographic al Memory The Multiple Store Approach to Memory Workbench Memory This is where bits of information are worked on to create knowledge Encoding Decoding Mental Processes Assisting Learning Repetitio n Dual Coding Chunking Long Term Memory Long term memory is a repository for all information that a person has encountered Mental tagging helps consumers to retrieve knowledge Rumination includes how a consumer remembers a memory positively or negatively unintentionally of long ago events nostalgia The Figure and Ground Distinction Simplicity Complexity Ways to Enhance Attention Color Numbers Contrast Font Size Movement Message Source Factors Likeability Attractiveness Trustworthiness Expertise An Illustration of Framing Prospect Theory Congruent or Incongruent Message Sequences

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CSU MKT 361 - Module 4. Memory and Messaging

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