CSU MKT 361 - Module 2. Consumers Positioning

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Module 2 Consumer Positioning Professor Seung Hwan Mark Lee Colorado State University The Consumer Value Framework Internal Influences Psycholog y of the consumer Personalit y of the consumer Psychology of the Consumer Cognition the thinking or mental processes that go on as we process and store things that can become knowledge Affect refers to the feelings experienced during consumption activities or associated with specific objects Personality of the Consumer Individual differences include things like personality and lifestyles Business Strategy Exists at Different Levels Market Segmentation and Product Differentiation P Market segmentation is the separation of a market into groups based on different demand curves associated with each group rodu c differ t entia ti marke tplace on is a condi tion in consu which mers d view all co o not mpet produ ing cts as to one identi cal anoth er Segmentation Strategies 1 Demographics 2 Geographics 3 Psychographics 4 Behavioral Perceptual Map for Soap Industry Companies work to position their products in the minds of the consumer product positioning Classical Conditioning A change in behavior that occurs simply through associating some stimulus unconditioned stimulus with another stimulus conditioned stimulus that naturally causes a reaction Classical Conditioning Unconditioned Stimulus Pleasant Baby Scenes Evian Conditioned Stimulus Unconditioned Response Pleasant Emotion Pleasant Emotion Conditioned Response Instrumental Conditioning Behavior is conditioned through positive or negative reinforcement Authenticity Is there value in counterfeit fake goods

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CSU MKT 361 - Module 2. Consumers Positioning

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