UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - The Benedictine Rule and the life of Monks

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HIST107 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Evolving Religion II The Barbarians Outline of Current Lecture II Monasteries III Martyrdom IV Monks A The Benedictine Rule Current Lecture THE BENEDICTINE RULE c 540 Monastery a school for the lord s service Monasteries valued obedience discipline and humility They regulated how individuals ate drank slept and worked The Benedictine Rule was a set of guidelines that outlined these regulations as a means of bringing the individuals closer to the lord Question to consider What is the place of the church in the world Martyrdom dying for your faith Many martyrs believed that the world was prison and the afterlife was true freedom They believed that through death they were escaping the flaws of the world Perpetua Roman matron and martyr c 200 Saint Peter chief disciple that was killed his relics remained in the city of Rome These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Christ born during the reign of Augustus Augustine wrote City of God was a North African bishop that cautioned society that life was a pilgrimage and people were bound toward eternal life in the City of God o He additionally believed that the church was imperfect but was a necessary gateway into the City of God Monks o Monks fasted prayed battled demons etc o Groups of monks began to develop monastic rule The Benedictine Rule was the dominant monastic rule in Europe o Monks owned nothing but monasteries did they became prominent and wealthy

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - The Benedictine Rule and the life of Monks

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