UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Christianity and the growing presence of barbarians

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HIST107 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I The Early Roman Empire II Shifting religious views in the Empire A The spread of Christianity III Emperor Diocletian A The Great Persecution of Christians IV Emperor Constantine Outline of Current Lecture I Evolving Religion II The Barbarians Current Lecture THE ROMAN WORLD TRANSFORMED A Short History of the Middle Ages p 1 In the third century the Roman empire wrapped around the Mediterranean Sea like a scarf Review The crisis of the 3rd century 235 84 sent the Empire into a state of turmoil There was a restoration of order under Diocletian 284 305 until he initiated the Great Persecution of Christians After the resulting civil strife Constantine restored order and recognized the Christian faith 306337 New Material The church began to serve as a social institution In 313 Christianity was legally recognized through the Edict of Milan which was created by Constantine and Licinius Christ was seen as miracle worker messiah and Son of God These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute The basic church layout Bishops overseers of local communities start becoming important leaders Priests leaders of smaller congregations specialists in ritual Laity the people men and women not part of the clerical hierarchy THE BARBARIANS Important barbarian figures Stilicho Roman barbarian warlord general and his wife Serena with their son Eucherius Barbarians lived along the edges of the Roman World for generations Roman Barbarian frontier was a zone of communication and interaction 410 Rome is sacked and invaded by Allorick his reasoning is supposedly tied to debts owed to him by Rome The relationship between the Romans and the Barbarians was described as a married couple in a bitter divorce Barbarian Kingdoms The barbarian kingdoms of Western Europe no longer resembled a scarf but more of a mosaic Trade was disrupted armies were the driving economic force in the western Roman Empire and consequently the economy dried up and began to struggle Localism and ruralization the Empire s horizons shrunk Winners elite landowners traditional Roman families wealthy and new barbarian groups kings bishops etc Losers everybody else slaves small landowners people living in cities

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Christianity and the growing presence of barbarians

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