O-K-State LSB 3213 - Legal philosophy; Constitutional law
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LSB 3213 1st Edition Lecture 1 Professor Jack Wroldsen Office 210 Spears Business Building jack wroldsen okstate edu 405 744 5418 Welcome Fun class Challenging class Syllabus Textbook Policies D2L Participation Grading Teaching Assistants Tutoring Eligible for Accommodations Testing Center Course Outline Legal philosophy constitutional law Contracts Torts and criminal law Professor Background California Argentina Chile Arizona Chicago North Carolina Colorado Jobs Entrepreneurship Office hours see syllabus Life Legal Philosophies Legal reasoning applied to practical issues Not what but why Marijuana Laws in Colorado Universal morality These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Example arguments wrong to allow people to buy use substances that are bad for us Majority rules practicality Example argument not a moral issue should be able to make your own decisions majority ruled legal alcohol harmful and legal why not marijuana Drifting in a Life Boat Scenario The Situation A cruise ship sinks and only four people survive 3 men and a teenage boy live in a lifeboat for 19 days after 19 days they become very weak and the men decide that they must kill the boy to survive because he is the weakest after killing the boy they survive for four more days before a passing ship rescues the men and put them on trial for murder Moral arguments the men are putting the boy out of his misery 3 against one took away the boy s chance for survival the boy did not sacrifice himself Practical Argument the men saved three instead of 4 dying should have killed one of the men bigger could have survived longer efficiency still under US laws so it is still murder Legal Reasoning Arguments definitive reasons logic This semester s goal Learn legal reasoning for business decisions

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